Exploring Education, Health, and Child Protection Support Penetration (Explorarea Gradului de Penetrare a Suportului în Domeniul Educației, Sănătății și Protecției Copilului)

Exploring Education, Health, and Child Protection Support Penetration (Explorarea Gradului de Penetrare a Suportului în Domeniul Educației, Sănătății și Protecției Copilului)
Abstract: A web application was developed allowing for the exploration of various scenarios in the field of education, health, and child protection. The application offers a platform for analysis of historical trends and patterns using a combination of open data and proprietary data shared by the Government of Moldova. Extrapolation of these trends and patterns could form a baseline scenario for the allocation of resources and improvement of child outcomes displayed through the web application. Through it, users can adjust these assumptions and respond to hypothetical shocks to consider how best to optimize outcomes for children under different scenarios.
Shortname: fs-23-608-d4i
Author(s): Jonathan Friedman, Camelia Gheorghe, Isaac Kamber
Year: 2023
Language: English