
High Impact Practices (HIPs) in Family Planning: Methodological Brief on Monitoring HIPs Implementation with Core Components (2023, English)
Tools and Resources to Support Local Capacity Strengthening (2023, English)
Nigeria Health, Population, and Nutrition Multi-Activity Evaluation: Zamfara Health Facility Assessment Tool (2023, English)
HIS Mapping: An Inventory of Digital Tools in Use by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in Bangladesh (2021, English)
Support Clubs for Children and Youth in Haiti Living with HIV: Technical Brief on a Case Study (2020, English)
Assessing Healthcare Quality Using Routine Data: Evaluating the Performance of the National Tuberculosis Program in South Africa (2020, English)
Impact of a District-Wide Health Center Strengthening Intervention on Healthcare Utilization in Rural Rwanda: Use of Interrupted Time Series Analysis (2020, English)
Evaluating the Impact of Malaria Interventions in Zanzibar, 2000–2015: Report Prepared for the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (2020, English)
Brief on Strengthening Tuberculosis Control in Ukraine: Evaluation of the Impact of the TB-HIV Integration Strategy on Treatment Outcomes (2020, English)
Quality of Care, Risk Management, and Technology in Obstetrics to Reduce Hospital-based Maternal Mortality in Senegal and Mali (QUARITE): A Cluster Randomized Trial (2020, English)
Assessment of the 2017 National Campaign for the Promotion of Family Planning in Mali (2020, English)
Improving Maternal and Child Health Outcomes in Kenya: Impact of the Free Maternity Service Policy on Healthcare Use and Lives Saved (2020, English)
Can a Quality Improvement Project Impact Maternal and Child Health Outcomes at Scale in Northern Ghana? (2020, English)
Impact of a Free Health Care Policy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo during an Ebola outbreak: An interrupted time-series analysis (2020, English)
Impact of a Systems Engineering Intervention on PMTCT Service Delivery in Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique: A Cluster Randomized Trial (2020, English)
Strengthening the Care Continuum Project in Ghana: Midterm Assessment (2020, English)
Initial Evidence of Reduction of Malaria Cases and Deaths in Rwanda and Ethiopia Due to Rapid Scale-Up of Malaria Prevention and Treatment (2020, English)
Pilot-Testing a Gender-Integrated Routine Data Quality Assessment Tool in Zambia: Summary of the Results (2019, English)
Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators EN-MINI-PRISM Tools for Routine Health Information Systems: Kiswahili (2024, )
Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Self-Assessment Monitoring (SAM) Tool (2024, English)
Standard Operating Procedure for Integrating Gender in Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research (2024, )
High Impact Practices (HIPs) in Family Planning: Measuring and Monitoring HIP Implementation with Core Components: Example HIP Core Component Checklists (2023, English)
D4I Digital Skills Assessment Guide (2023, English)
Curriculum de formation pour l’approche intégrée d’évaluation de la qualité des données de planification familiale (2023, French)
Curriculum de formation pour l’approche intégrée d’évaluation de la qualité des données de planification familiale (2023, French)
2023-2025 թ.թ. Մարդկանց Թրաֆիքինգի դեմ պայքարի գործողությունների ազգային ծրագրի արդյունքային շրջանակ (2023, Armenian)
Results Framework for Human Trafficking and Exploitation: The 2023-2025 National Action Plan (2023, English)
Gender Competency Tool Module A: Gender Sensitive Communication (2023, English)
Gender Competency Tool Module B: Promoting Individual Agency (2023, English)
Gender Competency Tool Module C: Supporting Legal Rights and Status Related to Family Planning (2023, English)
Gender Competency Tool Module D: Engaging Men and Boys as Partners (2023, English)
Gender Competency Tool Module E: Facilitating Positive Couples’ Communication and Cooperative Decision Making (2023, English)
Gender Competency Tool Module F: Addressing Gender-Based Violence (2023, English)
A Provider Self-Assessment Tool to Measure Gender Competency for Family Planning Services (2023, English)
Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators EN-MINI-PRISM Tools for Routine Health Information Systems: Tanzania Pilot Study Report (2023, English)
Guidelines on the Use of Data Warehouses in Child Care and Protection Information Management and Analytics (2022, English)
Digital Skills Assessment Guide (2022, English)
Mapped newborn data availability in routine Health Information Systems: EN-MINI mapping tool results: Tanzania – June 2022 (2022, English)
Research and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Tool and Package (RECAP): Facilitator Presentation (2022, English)
Research and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Tool and Resource Package: Assessment Workbook (2022, English)
Research and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Tool and Resource Package: Tool Summary (2022, English)
Research and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Tool and Resource Package: User Guide (2022, English)
EN-MINI Tools: Training Manual (2022, English)
Qualitative Methods in Evaluation of Public Health Programs, a Curriculum on Intermediate Concepts and Practices (2022, English)
Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators EN-MINI-PRISM Tools for Routine Health Information Systems (2022, English)
The United Republic of Tanzania's National Guidelines for Supportive Supervision of Most Vulnerable Children Programs (2021, English)
A Guide for Conducting Alternative Care Data Review Meetings in Uganda (2021, English)
Case Management Information Systems Assessment (Excel) (2021, English)
Case Management Information System Governance Maturity Model Toolkit (2021, English)
Case Management Information Systems Assessment Toolkit (2021, English)
Case Management Information Systems Governance Guidelines (2021, English)
Training Curriculum for the Integrated Approach to Family Planning Data Quality Assessment (2021, English)
User Guidelines for the Integrated Approach to Family Planning Data Quality Assessment (2021, English)
Data Demand and Use: An Introduction to Concepts and Tools (2020, English)
Seven Steps to EnGendering Public Health Evaluations: Training Instructions (2019, English)
Evaluation of Health Programs: A Postgraduate Overview Course Module 6 Syllabus: Evaluating Results (2019, English)
A Menu of Tools for Data Quality Assessment and Review (2019, English)
Stakeholder Data Use and Dissemination Planning Tool: An Example from a Research Study in Haiti: Final Report (2019, English)
Evaluation of Health Programs: A Postgraduate Overview Course Postgraduate Evaluation Curriculum (2019, English)
Qualitative Methods in Evaluation of Public Health Programs, a Curriculum on Intermediate Concepts and Practices: Participants Guide (2019, English)
Qualitative Methods in Evaluation of Public Health Programs, a Curriculum on Intermediate Concepts and Practices: Facilitators Guide (2019, English)
Qualitative Methods in Evaluation of Public Health Programs, a Curriculum on Intermediate Concepts and Practices: Syllabus (2019, English)
Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation in Tanzanias Health and Social Service Programmes: Field Manual (2019, English)
Framework and Toolkit to Strengthen Evaluation Capacity (2019, English)
Care System Reform Information Needs Framework (2023, English)
Nigeria Health, Population, and Nutrition Multi-Activity Evaluation 2021 Provider Survey Tool (2023, English)
Assessment of Journalist Training in Family Planning and Reproductive Health (2022, English)
A Practical Guide to Using Routine Data in Evaluation (2020, English)
Strengthening the Performance of Kenya's Health Information System: Improvements in Data Quality and Use at the County Level (2019, English)
Comparative Analysis of Data Quality Assessment Tools (2019, English)
Country-Led, Holistic Data Quality Assurance: Institutionalizing Data Quality through a National Technical Working Group and the Data Quality Review (2019, English)
Working Papers
Recommendations for Strengthening Research and Evaluation Capacity to Support Sustainable Health Programs (2024, English)
Facilitators and Barriers to Data Use: Learning from the MEASURE Evaluation Strategic Information for South Africa Associate Award (2019, English)
EN-MINI Tools: Training Presentation (2022, English)