Strengthening Capacity for Rigorous Evaluation in MalawiDownload Document: D4I-Malawi-CSR-CS_Brief_FS-24-667_508c.pdf (663 KB)Abstract: Data for Impact (D4I) conducted an impact evaluation of the Malawi Secondary Education Expansion for Development (SEED) activity in collaboration with the Centre for Social Research (CSR). Local engagement extended to all aspects of the evaluation, including design, planning, capacity strengthening through collaborative implementation and training, and support for evidence use in policies and programs. This brief highlights D4I’s partnership with CSR at the University of Malawi and how D4I strives to practice the principles of effective programming and equitable partnerships outlined in USAID’s Local Capacity Strengthening (LCS) Policy through an intentional, partner-centered approach.Shortname: FS-24-667Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2024Language: EnglishRegion(s): MALAWIFiled under: Brief, Capacity Assessment, capacity strengthening, Evaluation, Malawi, midline, PEPFAR