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Behavioral Interventions for Evidence Use

D4I has researched behavioral barriers and enablers to the use of global health evaluation findings with USAID and implementing partners. Through these efforts, D4I developed 10 recommendations to increase the use of evaluation findings. Through a pilot test in Nigeria and an experimental study in South Africa, the activity provided evidence-informed approaches to increase evidence use among decision makers. 

In Nigeria, the pilot explored strategies for increasing engagement with qualitative findings from the USAID Nigeria Health, Population, and Nutrition Multi-Activity Evaluation. Strategies included the use of a commitment device and tailored email messages about evaluation findings using a combination of behavioral insights.

In South Africa, an experimental study identified the most effective messaging strategies to increase health decision makers’ willingness to use evidence for decision making. The study evaluated the impact of various descriptions of research, different ways in which researchers and evaluators are described, and a variety of descriptions of research and evaluation methodologies.     

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