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Brooklyn Chest Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. 2015 USAID/Southern Africa 1

South Africa

In South Africa, D4I continued activities initiated under the MEASURE Evaluation project, such as an assessment of the quality of tuberculosis healthcare quality using routine data. Additionally, D4I conducted an impact evaluation of a school-based sexuality and HIV prevention program.  

D4I also conducted a study to understand the barriers and enablers to evidence use. In South Africa, an experimental study was designed to identify the most effective messaging strategies to increase health decision makers’ willingness to use evidence for decision making.     


Behavioral Interventions for Data Use
D4I conducted research on behavioral barriers and enablers to the use of global health evaluation findings with USAID and implementing partners. Through a pilot test in Nigeria and an experimental study in South Africa, the activity provided evidence-informed approaches to increase evidence use among decision makers.
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Featured Resources

Report Cover - Strategies to Increase Endorsement of Evaluation Use: Insights from South Africa
Infographic - Driving Positive Attitudes towards Evidence Use

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