Number/Percent of community health workers reporting a stock-out of injectables

Number/Percent of community health workers reporting a stock-out of injectables

Number/Percent of community health workers reporting a stock-out of injectables

Number of community health workers (CHWs) within the authorized cadre who reported having an inadequate supply of injectable contraception.

As a percent, this indicator is calculated as:

(Number of CHWs reporting a stock-out of injectable contraception /  Number of CHWs certified in providing injectable contraception who have given an injection in the last quarter) x 100

Data Requirement(s):

Verification of stockout of injectable contraception

Programs may wish to further disaggregate by other needed materials such as alcohol swabs or bandages.

CHW reports

Just as programs need to ensure that enough CHWs are available, the workers must also have sufficient stocks of injectables to meet demand. Ideally, stock-outs should be rare or nonexistent, and any reports of regular stock-outs should be investigated immediately.

commodity, community, family planning

FHI 360. Guidance for Monitoring and Evaluation of Community-Based Access to Injectable Contraception. Durham, NC: FHI 360; 2018. Retrieved from