Number/percent of government-initiated mechanisms that support private sector provision of health services

Number/percent of government-initiated mechanisms that support private sector provision of health services

Number/percent of government-initiated mechanisms that support private sector provision of health services

The number or percent of government-initiated mechanisms engaged in supporting or expanding provision of health services by the private sector (PS) during the past year or specified time period.

Government-initiated mechanisms can include policy reform, fostering public/private alliances, provider networks and franchises, accreditation, training and continuing education for PS providers, and financing mechanisms, such as social marketing, vouchers, incentives, and the government contracting out delivery of services to the PS (Islam, 2007).

The private sector is defined as all the providers, suppliers, and ancillary and support services that lie outside the public sector. These include commercial or for-profit entities, franchises, multinational corporations, non-profit organizations, community groups, informal vendors, and private providers, such as doctors, pharmacies, and hospital staff (Armand et al., 2007).

This indicator is calculated as:

(Number of government-initiated mechanisms supporting PS provision of health services / Total number government-initiated mechanisms supporting all sectors in provision of health services) x 100

This is one of the indicators for Promoting an environment supportive of the private health sector in the expanded list in the Strengthening Health Outcomes though the Private Sector (SHOPS) Project Performance Monitoring Plan (Abt, 2009).  For further details on this and related indicators from the SHOPS project, see Abt (2009); Abt (2005); Abt (2011); and Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (2009).

Data Requirement(s):

Reviews of ministry of health (MOH) policies, records, meeting notes, agreements, contracts and financial reports on all programs for all sectors that support provision of health services, in addition to reports from public and private sector partners. The data can be disaggregated by the types of PS providers and the types of mechanisms used.

MOH records, agreements contracts, project reports

This indicator measures the level of government commitment to promoting a favorable environment for expanding the role of the PS in providing health services, including family planning methods and services.  Expanding the number and types of government initiated mechanisms supporting the PS can increase the PS market share, thereby increasing access to and sustainability of health services, often for underserved populations, in addition to relieving some of the constraints challenging the public sector (e.g., overburdened staff and weak distribution channels).  The PS can help increase clients’ access to services and products by a number of means from having convenient hours and locations, maintaining supplies when public sector providers experience stock outs, using generic products to reduce prices, to utilizing alternative approaches, such as mobile units to reach underserved areas. This indicator can provide baseline information and track trends on the level of government support for PS involvement in providing health services. Public/private partnerships are considered vital for achieving the health-related Millennium Development Goals to #4 reduce child mortality; #5 improve maternal health; # 6 combat HIV/AIDs, as well as contributing to #8 a global partnership for development.

The enumeration of this indicator may require extensive reviews of government and public/private records, reports, and agreements, particularly if the indicator is calculated as a percent of mechanisms for all sectors.  Therefore, it may be advisable to present the indicator as the number of mechanisms specifically for PS providers.  Moreover, obtaining full and accurate information for review on all PS entities that provide health services can be problematic in settings where PS providers are not required to register with or report to government agencies, such as the MOH.

policy, private sector

Abt Associates, 2005, Performance Monitoring Indicators for the Private Sector Program (PSP), with Explanatory Notes, Bethesda, MD: Abt Associates, Inc.

Abt Associates, 2009, Strengthening Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Project:  Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP), Year 1. Bethesda: MD: ABT Asociates, Inc.

Abt Associates, 2011, Updated SHOPS Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP), Bethesda: MD: ABT Asociates, Inc.

Armand F., O’Hanlon B., McEuen M., Kolyada L., and Levin L. March 2007. Private Sector Contribution to Family Planning and Contraceptive Security in the Europe and Eurasia Region. Bethesda, MD: Private Sector Partnerships-One project, Abt Associates Inc.

Islam, M., ed. 2007. Health Systems Assessment Approach: A How-To Manual. Submitted to the U.S. Agency for International Development in collaboration with Health Systems 20/20, Partners for Health Reformplus, Quality Assurance Project, and Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus. Arlington, VA: Management Sciences for Health.

Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, 2009, Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition: Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (2007-2015), Brussels: RHSC.

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