Service delivery point reporting rate to the logistics management information system

Service delivery point reporting rate to the logistics management information system

Service delivery point reporting rate to the logistics management information system

This indicator measures the completeness of reporting to the logistics management information system (LMIS) by service delivery points (SDPs), disaggregated by country, whether a region is supported by the program, and SDP type (i.e., public, nongovernmental organization [NGO], or commercial).

This indicator is calculated as:

(Number of SDPs that submitted the required LMIS report(s) or order form(s) during the previous reporting period/Total number of SDPs in country that should be reporting) x 100

Data Requirement(s):

Number of SDPs that should be reporting to the LMIS; data entered into the LMIS

LMIS reports or FP commodity order forms

The indicator provides information on how well SDPs are accurately tracking their inventories and transferring this information to the LMIS or order forms. It assesses the completeness of FP commodity inventory reporting and is a proxy measure for data quality of FP stocks, . A strong LMIS is essential for an effective supply chain.  When information is missing or incomplete in the LMIS, it compromises the supply chain.

management, commodity

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Global Health Supply Chain Program. (2018). USAID global health supply chain program procurement and supply management IDIQ project monitoring and evaluation plan. Washington, DC, USA: Chemonics International Inc. Retrieved from