Number of national-level programs/ policies/advocacy campaigns that address gender equity Number of national-level programs/ policies/advocacy campaigns that address gender equity Definition: Number of programs/policies/advocacy campaigns that address gender equality or nondiscrimination for women or girls at the national or sub-national level. For the purposes of this indicator, “policy” is meant broadly to include any official document issued by a government (e.g., law, policy, action plan, constitutional amendment, decree, strategy, or regulation) designed to promote or strengthen gender equality or nondiscrimination based on sex at the national or subnational level. To be counted, the program/policy/advocacy campaign should have as its objective or intent one or more of the following: reducing an aspect of social, economic, or political inequality between women and men, girls and boys; ensuring that women and men, girls and boys, have equal opportunities to benefit from and contribute to social, political, economic, and cultural development, to realize their human rights, or to have access to/control over resources necessary to survive and thrive; or preventing gender-related discrimination or compensating for past gender-related discrimination or historical disadvantage. To report against this indicator, provide the number (count) of relevant programs/policies/advocacy campaigns drafted, proposed or adopted during the reporting period. Count only once in each stage (e.g., law drafted, proposed, or adopted); do not report on the same program/policy/advocacy campaign across multiple reporting periods, unless it has advanced to the next stage (e.g., law drafted in one reporting period, law presented for legislative action in the next reporting period, or law passed in the subsequent reporting period). If it is a program (or project or intervention) that is addressing gender equity, it should be counted only one time—the reporting period where program implementation begins. Data Requirement(s): National and sub-national level policies, programs, and advocacy campaigns. This indicator can be disaggregated by program/policy/campaign, stage (drafted/proposed/adopted), or geographic location (for subnational levels). Data Source(s): Program results data for interventions that aim to strengthen and support the creation of national and subnational level programs/policies/advocacy campaigns Purpose: Information generated by this indicator will be used to monitor and report on achievements linked to broader outcomes of gender equality, female empowerment and/or nondiscrimination and will be used for planning and reporting purposes by agency-level, bureau-level, and in-country program managers. Specifically, this indicator will inform required annual reporting or reviews of the USAID Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy and the U.S. National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security, as well as the Joint Strategic Plan reporting in the APP/APR and Bureau or Office portfolio reviews. Additionally, the information will inform a wide range of gender-related public reporting and communications products and facilitate responses to gender-related inquiries from internal and external stakeholders, such as Congress, nongovernmental organizations, and international organizations. Keywords: gender, male engagement, policy References: Adapted from indicator GEN-1; USAID ADS 205: Filed under: Family Planning, FP, FP/RH, gender, Indicators, male engagement, men’s health, policy, Reproductive Health, RH