Number of visits by men for family planning services Number of visits by men for family planning services Definition: The number of “visits” refers to each occasion in which a man, alone or with a female partner, visits a facility or a clinic within a facility as a client of family planning (FP) services. The number of visits will be the same or greater than the number of persons using the service (reflecting some repeat visits to the service). Data Requirement: Number of FP visits by men, by type of visit. Age data can also be used to disaggregate service use by age groups of interest. Data Sources: Program and/or service statistics Purpose: The indicator reflects the volume of FP services provided to men. It allows program managers to adjust staffing patterns based on the services most in demand and helps programs promoting male engagement in FP to track the uptake of men’s use of FP services. An alternative indicator is the number of men receiving FP services. This indicator raises the question of whether repeat visitors would be captured in the count (“double counting”), which is not an issue when counting “number of visits.” Issues: This indicator represents a minimum of information needed to track male use of FP services. Any studies determining client satisfaction with the services or the quality of the services will further enhance the monitoring process. Filed under: Family Planning, FP, FP/RH, Indicators, male engagement, men’s health, Reproductive Health, RH