Percent of facilities with non-medical restrictive eligibility criteria Percent of facilities with non-medical restrictive eligibility criteria Definition: Eligibility criteria of a non-medical nature, mandated by the service facility or organization, which limit access to reproductive health (RH) services for specific categories of individuals (e.g. youth, particularly unmarried females; commercial sex workers; individuals from a certain tribe or ethnic group; etc.) This indicator is calculated as: (# of facilities with non-medical restrictive eligibility criteria/ Total # of medical facilities) x100 Data Requirement(s): Eligibility criteria for services offered by the program Data Source(s): Program documents outlining policies and regulations; interviews with staff Purpose: This indicator identifies the existence of barriers to services in the form of unnecessary formal program policies, regulations, and procedures; such restrictions, mandated at the policy/program level, exceed those justified on medical grounds. Typical restrictive criteria for different RH services include the following: Family Planning: Age, parity, marital status, and/or spousal consent; Requirements for blood tests or pelvic examinations prior to the distribution of oral contraceptives; Requirements for multiple visits to receive certain contraceptive methods (e.g., IUDs); Requirements of direct physician involvement in the provision of services; and A required waiting period of several days between counseling for voluntary surgical contraception and the actual procedure. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Age, marital status, spousal consent; Partner notification; and Waiting period for HIV test results. Maternal Health: Age, parity, marital status, spousal consent; and Requirements for direct physician involvement in provision of services (when other appropriately trained clinical staff [e.g., midwives] could provide the same service). Adolescent Reproductive Health Services: Age, marital status; and Parental notification or consent. Abortion and Postabortion Care: Parental or spousal consent prior to procedure or treatment; Inappropriate judicial requirements (e.g., rape may be a legal indication for elective abortion, and women are not permitted to obtain the service without “proof” of the rape, which might be a court order); Provision of uterine evacuation for incomplete abortion only in an operative theatre; Provision of uterine evacuation for incomplete abortion only under general anesthesia; Provision of uterine evacuation for incomplete abortion only by a physician; Inappropriate clinical criteria for use of manual vacuum aspiration for treatment of incomplete abortion; and Inappropriate criteria for contraceptive method provision following treatment of incomplete abortion. Administrative barriers to access occur less frequently for STI/HIV services, which tend to be provided to those who seek treatment. Keywords: access, policy Related content Policy Environment Filed under: access, Family Planning, FP, FP/RH, Indicators, policy, Reproductive Health, RH, service delivery