Demonstrated organizational capacity to carry out training on a sustained basis
The nature of the “training” depends on the service delivery areas of interest to the organization, but in this case will relate to the different aspects of reproductive health. “On a sustained basis” refers to the demonstrated ability to maintain this activity over a period of time (e.g., 3-5 years) with decreasing external support.
Data Requirement(s):
Evidence of the implementation and monitoring of a long-term strategy; annual training work plans developed in the country/organizational context to meet identified needs; evidence of review, evaluations, and updating
Budget review with percent of funds for training from internal revenues; alternatively, the institution demonstrates capacity to design and obtain funding for training projects, including evaluation. Review of human resources and equipment; list of training activities completed/replicated in the last three years and projected (long-range, strategic) plans
Assessment by an external evaluator with training expertise
This indicator measures the ability to continuously provide quality training on a sustained basis with minimal external input — the ideal of most training organizations.
This indicator is more difficult to evaluate than are others in the section because of the subjective nature of the “capacity” and the lack of standard operational definitions for “sustained basis.” An alternative indicator that is more concrete and possibly more practical is the number of training sites and centers performing to quality standards on a regular basis with adequate resources, where resources again refer to funding, sufficient staff and trainers, and internal organizational systems. The limitation with this alternative indicator is that one may encounter a single training site that was satisfactorily fulfilling the needs of a country in the area of training, whereas one may encounter multiple organizations (in a large country) that still have many shortcomings in terms of training. In this case, the number does not equate with “adequacy.”
Program Management in Sexual and Reproductive Health Services