Percent of family planning stock status observations in storage sites where family planning commodities are stocked according to plan

Percent of family planning stock status observations in storage sites where family planning commodities are stocked according to plan

Percent of family planning stock status observations in storage sites where family planning commodities are stocked according to plan

The percent of stock status observations for a family planning (FP) tracer product that are within the designated quantity of stock needed for that tracer product. A stock status observation is a physical inventory at a national warehouse or subnational store. A complete physical inventory is the process of counting by hand the number of each designated product at the designated sites. All products should be counted at the same time (e.g. on the same day or in the same week) at least once a year. This indicator should be disaggregated by FP tracer product, country, stock status (i.e., stocked according to the commodity plan for that product, overstocked, understocked, and stocked out), and level of the supply chain system (i.e., national warehouse and subnational stores).

This indicator is calculated as:

(Number of stock status observations for an FP tracer product that are within the designated minimum and maximum quantities at storage sites/Total number of stock status observations for an FP tracer product at storage sites) x 100

Annual plan/procedure to complete physical inventory; annual list of FP tracer products that the program has committed to supplying and acceptable minimum and maximum amounts; list of subnational stores

Inventory management records

This indicator is a good proxy for commodity management. Each country should have a list of tracer products it needs for its FP program and acceptable minimum and maximum quantities required to be in store. A stock status observation helps ensure that the stock on hand balances with the stock-keeping/inventory records. If there are missing or excess products, the physical inventory results must be reconciled with inventory records.

This indicator only informs the evaluator of whether a stock status observation was performed. It provides no insight into the quality of the observation, the results of the observation, or whether problems/discrepancies were documented and corrected.

health system strengthening (HSS), management, commodity

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Global Health Supply Chain Program. (2018). USAID global health supply chain program procurement and supply management IDIQ project monitoring and evaluation plan. Washington, DC, USA: Chemonics International Inc. Retrieved from

John Snow, Inc./DELIVER in collaboration with the World Health Organization. Guidelines for the Storage of Essential Medicines and Other Health Commodities. 2003. Arlington, Va.: John Snow, Inc./DELIVER, for the U.S. Agency for International Development.