Percent of previously program-supported supply chain functions currently conducted by national authorities without external assistancePercent of previously program-supported supply chain functions currently conducted by national authorities without external assistance Definition: This indicator is a measure of in-country capacity to conduct supply chain functions without external donor assistance (i.e., technical or financial). Illustrative supply chain functional areas include forecasting and supply planning, procurement, quality assurance, warehousing and inventory management, transportation and distribution, management information systems, governance and financing, human resources and capacity development, and monitoring and evaluation. This indicator can be disaggregated by country. This indicator is calculated as: (Number of initially program-supported supply chain functions that are implemented without external donor assistance/Total number of initially program-supported supply chain functions examined) x 100 Data Source(s): Key informant interviews Purpose: By monitoring this indicator over time, evaluators can assess changes in country’s capacity to independently perform supply chain functions. Issue(s): This indicator does not assess how well or effectively a country may be performing supply chain functions, only if they are now doing so without external assistance. References: United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Global Health Supply Chain Program. (2018). USAID global health supply chain program procurement and supply management IDIQ project monitoring and evaluation plan. Washington, DC, USA: Chemonics International Inc. Retrieved from Filed under: Family Planning, FP, FP/RH, Indicators, Reproductive Health, RH