Percent of young people who have ever been pregnant or caused a pregnancy Percent of young people who have ever been pregnant or caused a pregnancy Definition: Among young people (ages 10-24 years old), the percent of females who have ever been pregnant and the percent of males who have ever caused a pregnancy This indicator is calculated as: (# of females ages 10-24 who report having ever been pregnant/ Total # of females surveyed) x 100 or (# of males ages 10-24 who report having ever caused a pregnancy/ Total # of males surveyed) x 100 Data Requirement(s): Responses to survey questions asking whether female young people have ever been pregnant and whether male young people have ever caused someone to be pregnant Evaluators may want to disaggregate by the following age ranges: 10-14, 15-19, and 20-24 Data Source(s): Surveys of program participants or youth in the program‘s intended population Purpose: Many adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health (AYSRH) programs aim to reduce the number of pregnancies among young people. This indicator provides a simple proxy measure of the level or volume of pregnancies among young people for use in assessing the impact of such programs. Alternatively, evaluators can use a pregnancy rate (i.e., number of annual pregnancies per 1,000 women 15-19 years of age). Evaluators can calculate this alternative measure in the same manner as they calculate the age-specific fertility rate for adolescents (see the age-specific fertility rate indicator in the fertility section of this database), but they will base the calculation upon pregnancies instead of on live births. Issue(s): In settings where sexual relations and pregnancy outside of marriage are highly stigmatized, female respondents to surveys will likely under-report adolescent pregnancies occurring outside of marriage. Responses by male adolescents may also be biased, but the direction of the bias is less certain. On the one hand, males who have had multiple casual sexual partners may be unaware of pregnancies they caused. On the other hand, male adolescents may exaggerate their sexual prowess in surveys, and thus may over-report the number of pregnancies they caused. Nevertheless, in most settings, the indicator provides a lower-bound estimate of the true percent of adolescents experiencing or causing pregnancies. Although AYSRH programs tend to view adolescent pregnancies as a negative outcome, pregnancies occurring to young people are sometimes wanted. Some situations may provide economic and social benefits of pregnancy during adolescence. Thus, evaluators must interpret this indicator in conjunction with data on the “wanted“ status of pregnancies occurring to young people. Keywords: access, adolescent, safe motherhood (SM) Related content Family Planning (Core) Safe Motherhood Filed under: access, adolescent, Family Planning, FP, FP/RH, Indicators, Reproductive Health, RH, safe motherhood, youth