Resources: Children in Adversity BriefsGood Practices in Data Use: Enhancing Social Services for Children with Disabilities in Dondușeni District, Moldova (2024, English)Good Practices in Data Use: Transforming the lives of Vulnerable Children in Chișinău, Moldova (2024, English)Good Practices in Data Use: Ludotecas in Ștefan Vodă District, Moldova (2024, English)Child Development and Protection Sub-Cluster Meetings, October 2022 to August 2023 (2024, English)Progress Brief: M&E Framework Implementation Plan in Rwanda (2024, English)Strengthening the C-TIP Efforts in Armenia (2023, English)Summary of the Counter-Trafficking in Persons Working Group Meetings (2023, English)D4I Technical Assistance on the Establishment of the Case Management Information System (CMIS) in Armenia (2023, English)Exploring Education, Health, and Child Protection Support Penetration (Explorarea Gradului de Penetrare a Suportului în Domeniul Educației, Sănătății și Protecției Copilului) (2023, English)Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Strengthening Plan: Rwanda (2022, English)D4I Armenia promotes access and use of data on children in adversity by community social workers (2021, English)Datos para generar impacto en Colombia: mejora en la toma de decisiones basada en datos para la protección infantil (2020, Spanish)Data for Impact in Colombia – Enhancing Data-Informed Decision Making for Child Protection (2020, English)Strengthening Collection, Management, and Use of Quality Routine Data for Alternative Care in Uganda (2020, English)ngrijirea alternativ a copilului Buletin informativ Noiembrie 2018 (2020, Romanian)Երեխաների այլընտրանքային խնամք Ամսագիր Նոյեմբեր, 2018թ (2020, Armenian)Strengthening Collection, Management and Use of Quality Routine Data for the Provision of Child Protection and Care in Armenia (2020, English)Enhancing Government Capacity to Assess, Address, and Monitor Child Protection and Care (2020, English)GuidanceWhat approaches and tools are available to support data use in care system reform and strengthening? (2024, English)D4I Digital Skills Assessment Guide (2023, English)2023-2025 թ.թ. Մարդկանց Թրաֆիքինգի դեմ պայքարի գործողությունների ազգային ծրագրի արդյունքային շրջանակ (2023, Armenian)Results Framework for Human Trafficking and Exploitation: The 2023-2025 National Action Plan (2023, English)Guidelines on the Use of Data Warehouses in Child Care and Protection Information Management and Analytics (2022, English)Digital Skills Assessment Guide (2022, English)A Guide for Conducting Alternative Care Data Review Meetings in Uganda (2021, English)Case Management Information Systems Assessment (Excel) (2021, English)Case Management Information System Governance Maturity Model Toolkit (2021, English)Case Management Information Systems Assessment Toolkit (2021, English)Case Management Information Systems Governance Guidelines (2021, English)Learner's Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation of Care Reform in Armenia (2020, English)A Manual for Routine Monitoring of the Alternative Care System in Ghana (2020, English)Tool for Assessing and Monitoring National Alternative Care Systems (2020, English)Child Protection Case Management Information Systems: Promoting Appropriate Care for Children: A Framework for Engagement (2020, English)Trafficking in Persons and Health: A Compendium of Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators (2019, English)ReportsInvestments in Strengthening the Social Service Workforce: Rwanda Final Report (2024, English)Investments in Strengthening the Social Service Workforce: Cambodia Final Report (2024, English)Investments in Strengthening the Social Service Workforce: Armenia Final Report (2024, English)Investments in Strengthening the Social Service Workforce: Global Synthesis Report (2024, English)Care System Reform Performance Indicators (2024, English)Children's Safety in the Digital Environment: Republic of Moldova (2024, English)Data Standards for Child Care and Protection Case Management Information Systems (2023, English)Child Wellbeing Management Information System (CWMIS): Case Management Data Flow (2023, English)Situația copiilor în sistemul de servicii sociale din municipiul Chișinău, 2019- 2022 (2023, Romanian)Situația copiilor în sistemul de servicii sociale din raionul Rezina, 2019-2022 (2023, Romanian)Improving Information System Usability for Child Protection in Colombia (2023, English)Fortalecimiento de la usabilidad del Sistema de Información Misional para apoyar la protección de los niños, niñas y adolescentes en Colombia (2023, Spanish)Improving Information System Usability for Child Protection in Colombia (2023, English)Fortalecimiento de la usabilidad del Sistema de Información Misional para apoyar la protección de los niños, niñas y adolescentes en Colombia (2023, Spanish)Situația copiilor în sistemul de servicii sociale din raionul Drochia, 2019-2022, Buletin informativ (2023, Romanian)Care System Reform Information Needs Framework (2023, English)Counter-Trafficking in Persons (C-TIP): Data Sources Review Report (2023, English)Counter-Trafficking in Persons (C-TIP) Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Report for Armenia (2023, English)Counter-Trafficking in Persons (C-TIP) Expert Assessment Report (2022, English)Landscape Assessment of Child Protection Digital Information Systems in Rwanda: May – June 2021 (2022, English)Child Protection and Care Reform in Rwanda: Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Report (2022, English)Armenia’s Counter-Trafficking Situation and Response: Landscape Assessment Report (2022, English)Supporting Countries to Measure Progress and Outcomes of National Care Reforms Development Care System Reform Logic Model and Indicator Mapping Activity (2021, ")Pilotarea indicatorilor de îngrijire alternativă a copilului în Moldova (2021, Romanian)Pilot Test of Alternative Childcare Indicators in Moldova (2021, English)Moldova Longitudinal Case Management Information System for Child Protection: Three-Year Implementation Roadmap (2021, English)Երեխաների այլընտրանքային խնամքի համակարգի հզորացում Բացահայտումներ Հայաստանից, Գանային, Ուգանդային և Մոլդովայից (2020, Armenian)ՀԱՅԱՍՏԱՆՈՒՄ ԵՐԵԽԱՆԵՐԻ ԽՆԱՄՔԻ ԵՎ ՊԱՇՏՊԱՆՈՒԹՅԱՆ ՀԱՄԱԿԱՐԳԻ ԲԱՐԵՓՈԽՈՒՄՆԵՐԻ ՄՇՏԱԴԻՏԱՐԿՈՒՄ, ԳՆԱՀԱՏՈՒՄ ԵՎ ՎԵՐՀԱՆՎԱԾ ԽՆԴԻՐՆԵՐԻՆ ԱՐՁԱԳԱՆՔՈՒՄ․ ՄԱՍՆԱԿՑԱՅԻՆ ԳՆԱՀԱՏՄԱՆ ՀԱՇՎԵՏՎՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ (2020, Armenian)Assessing Alternative Care for Children in Armenia (2020, English)Evaluarea ngrijirii Alternative a Copilului n Moldova: Raport de Evaluare (Volumul 2) (2020, Romanian)Assessing Alternative Care for Children in Moldova: Appendixes (Volume 2) (2020, English)Evaluarea ngrijirii Alternative a Copilului n Moldova: Raport de Evaluare (Volumul 1) (2020, Romanian)Assessing Alternative Care for Children in Moldova: Assessment Report (Volume 1) (2020, English)Assessing Alternative Care for Children in Ghana (2020, English)Assessing Alternative Care for Children in Uganda (2020, English)Promoting Appropriate Care for Children: Report on a Workshop on Case Management Information Systems (2020, English)Care Reform Workshop Report (2020, English)An Assessment of the Prerequisites for a Social Welfare Information Management System in Ghana (2020, English)Working PapersCurrent practices on data review and data use to inform supportive supervision in child protection in Moldova (2021, English)PresentationsData for Impact (D4I) in Moldova (2024, English)