Using Routine Data in Evaluations

Routine health information systems (RHIS) data—data collected at regular intervals at public, private, and community-level health facilities and institutions—have often been passed over by evaluators in favor of other data sources, such as stand-alone surveys tailored to meet specific evaluation objectives. However, in light of the costs and time required to gather primary data, now more than ever there are many reasons to consider routine and existing data. On this page, you will find guidance and briefs, a webinar on guidance, video tutorials on how to analyze routine data, and more.

A Practical Guide to Using Routine Data in Evaluation Cover

Routine data are available and usually less costly to collect. Still, they come with their own set of challenges to consider and address. For example, routine data systems were not set up with research in mind, so not all indicators, time periods, and facility data will be available. This guidance document and 13 accompanying briefs describing the use of routine data in evaluations provide information from experience to help future evaluators and researchers who are considering using routine and existing data in their projects.

All of the evaluations below are from countries in Africa—with the exception of one example from the Ukraine—and covered a wide range of programs: two on tuberculosis (TB), one on prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT), two on anti-retroviral care and treatment (ART) for HIV, three on maternal and child health (MCH), one on family planning (FP) two on malaria control, and two on health service utilization. The evaluations often used mixed methods; however, the focus was on how routine data were used.

Featured Resources

Assessing Healthcare Quality Using Routine Data: Evaluating the Performance of the National Tuberculosis Program in South Africa

TB Program in South Africa

Impact of a District-Wide Health Center Strengthening Intervention on Healthcare Utilization in Rural Rwanda: Use of Interrupted Time Series Analysis

Healthcare in Rural Rwanda

Evaluating the Impact of Malaria Interventions in Zanzibar, 2000–2015: Report Prepared for the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative

Malaria in Zanzibar, 2000-2015

Brief on Strengthening Tuberculosis Control in Ukraine: Evaluation of the Impact of the TB-HIV Integration Strategy on Treatment Outcomes

TB Control in Ukraine

Quality of Care, Risk Management, and Technology in Obstetrics to Reduce Hospital-based Maternal Mortality in Senegal and Mali (QUARITE): A Cluster Randomized Trial

Maternal Mortality in Senegal & Mali

Assessment of the 2017 National Campaign for the Promotion of Family Planning in Mali

Family Planning in Mali

Improving Maternal and Child Health Outcomes in Kenya: Impact of the Free Maternity Service Policy on Healthcare Use and Lives Saved

MCH Outcomes in Kenya

Can a Quality Improvement Project Impact Maternal and Child Health Outcomes at Scale in Northern Ghana?

MCH Outcomes in N. Ghana

Impact of a Free Health Care Policy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo during an Ebola outbreak: An interrupted time-series analysis

Free Health Care: Ebola in the DRC

Impact of a Systems Engineering Intervention on PMTCT Service Delivery in Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique: A Cluster Randomized Trial

PMTCT Service Delivery

Strengthening the Care Continuum Project in Ghana: Midterm Assessment

Continuum of Care in Ghana

Initial Evidence of Reduction of Malaria Cases and Deaths in Rwanda and Ethiopia Due to Rapid Scale-Up of Malaria Prevention and Treatment

Malaria in Rwanda & Ethiopia

Support Clubs for Children and Youth in Haiti Living with HIV: Technical Brief on a Case Study

HIV in Haitian Children & Youth

Considerations for the Use of Routine Data for Evaluation of Public Health Programs

Considerations for Use of Routine Data

Needs Assessment on Resources for Use of Routine and Other Secondary Data for Health Evaluation and Research

Needs Assessment on Resources

Webinar on Routine Data Use in Evaluation: Practical Guidance

Webinar on Routine Data

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