The importance of skin-to-skin contact for early initiation of breastfeeding in Nigeria and Bangladesh Author(s): Kavita Singh, Shane M Khan, Liliana Carvajal-Aguirre, Paul Brodish, Agbessi Amouzou, and Allisyn MoranYear: 2017Filed under: Bangladesh, Breastfeeding, Newborn health, Nigeria
Developing Core Competencies for Monitoring and Evaluation Tracks in South Asian MPH Programs Author(s): Negandhi H, Negandhi P, Tiwari R, Sharma A, Zodpey S, Kulatilaka H, Tikyani SYear: 2015Filed under: Bangladesh, Evaluation, Monitoring
Effects of individual, household and community characteristics on child nutritional status in the slums of urban Bangladesh Author(s): Ahsan KZ, El Arifeen S, Al-Mamun A, Khan SH, Chakraborty NYear: 2017Filed under: Bangladesh, Child health, Nutrition
Monitoring and Evaluating Progress towards Universal Health Coverage in Bangladesh Author(s): Huda T, Khan JAM, Ahsan KZ, Jamil K, Arifeen SEYear: 2014Filed under: Bangladesh, Evaluation, Health System, Monitoring
Maternal Mortality in Bangladesh: A countdown to 2015 country case study Author(s): Arifeen SE, Hill K, Ahsan KZ, Jamil K, Nahar Q, Streatfield PKYear: 2014Filed under: Bangladesh, Evaluation, Maternal Mortality, Monitoring
Association Between Child Marriage and Reproductive Health Outcomes and Service Utilization: A Multi-Country Study From South Asia Author(s): Godha D, Hotchkiss DR, Gage AJ.Year: 2013Filed under: Adolescent health, Bangladesh, Fertility, Maternal Health, Reproductive Health
Estimating Expenditure-Based Poverty from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey Author(s): Schreiner, MYear: 2011Filed under: Bangladesh, DHS
Contraceptive discontinuation and unintended pregnancy: an imperfect relationship Author(s): Curtis S, Evens E, Sambisa WYear: 2011Filed under: Bangladesh, Contraception, Pregnancy
Physical and sexual abuse of wives in urban Bangladesh: Husbands reports Author(s): Sambisa W, Angeles G, Lance P, Naved R, and Curtis SYear: 2010Filed under: Bangladesh, Gender-based violence, HIV/AIDS
Imbalances in the health labour force: an assessment using data from three national health facility surveys Author(s): Barden-O'Fallon J, Gustavo A, Tsui AYear: 2006Filed under: Bangladesh, health facility assessment