Hypertension and Diabetes in Bangladesh: Findings from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) 2017-18 and Policy Implications Author(s): Peter Kim Streatfield, Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Afrin Iqbal, Kanta Jamil, M. Moinuddin Haider, Shusmita KhanYear: 2021Filed under: Bangladesh, Brief, DHS, Policy, Survey
Estimating the effect of COVID-19 on total utilization of health services in Bangladesh Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2021Filed under: Bangladesh, Brief, COVID-19, Health Services, RHIS, Routine data, Routine Health Information Systems
The Future of Long-Acting and Permanent Methods of Contraception in Bangladesh: A Policy Brief Year: 2014Filed under: Bangladesh, Brief, Contraception, LARC
An assessment of the Advancing Adolescent Health (A2H) Program in Rangpur: Implications for future interventions Author(s): Quamrun Nahar, Anadil Alam, Sadia Afrin, Shusmita Khan, Sharad Barkataki, Mizanur RahmanYear: 2021Filed under: Adolescent health, assessment, Bangladesh, Brief, Evaluation, Policy
The status of postpartum family planning in Bangladesh: A situation analysis and way forward Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2020Filed under: Bangladesh, Brief, Contraception, Family Planning, Policy, postpartum, Pregnancy
Strengthening Collection, Management, and Use of Quality Routine Data for Alternative Care in Uganda Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2020Filed under: Alternative care, Brief, Care for children, Data Quality, Data use, Routine data, Uganda
The Importance of Collecting and Using Valid Data on Reaching Partners through Index Testing for HIV: Results and Recommendations Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2019Filed under: Brief, Data Quality, Data use, HIV, HIV/AIDS, Tanzania, Zimbabwe
Factors Affecting Sex- and Age-Disaggregated Data in Health Information Systems Lessons from the Field Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2017Filed under: Brief, Data, Gender, Health Information Systems, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia