Pilot Test of Alternative Childcare Indicators in Moldova Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2021Filed under: Alternative care, Care for children, Child health, Indicators, Moldova, Report
Moldova Longitudinal Case Management Information System for Child Protection: Three-Year Implementation Roadmap Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2021Filed under: Case management, Child health, child protection, CMIS, Information System, Moldova
Existing Gap between Preferred and Actual Birth Intervals in Bangladesh: Relation to Fertility and Child Health. Analysis from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2011 Author(s): Fuad MH, Khan SH, Jahan FA, Talukder SH, Shakhider MAHYear: 2014Filed under: Bangladesh, Child health, Children, Fertility
Impact Evaluation of the Mayer Hashi II Project in Bangladesh Author(s): Rahman, M., Curtis, S., E-Ijdi, R., Haider, M., Imam, A., Ahmed, A., Bloom, S.Year: 2019Filed under: Bangladesh, Child health, Children, Contraception, Family Planning, Reproductive Health
Assessment of the MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Project in Bangladesh Author(s): Barkataki, S., Billah, M., Chakraborty, N., Haider, M. M., Imam, M. A., Khan, S., Priyanka, S. S., Rahman, M, Rahman, M, & Al-Sabir, A.Year: 2020Filed under: Antenatal Care, Bangladesh, Child health, Family Planning, Maternal and child health, Maternal Health
Effects of individual, household and community characteristics on child nutritional status in the slums of urban Bangladesh Author(s): Ahsan KZ, El Arifeen S, Al-Mamun A, Khan SH, Chakraborty NYear: 2017Filed under: Bangladesh, Child health, Nutrition
Assessment of the Effectiveness of the MomConnect Helpdesk in Handling and Resolving Complaints Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2017Filed under: Child health, Digital Health, Maternal Health
2008 Baseline Urban Bangladesh Smiling Sun Franchise Program (BSSFP) Evaluation Survey Author(s): Lance P, Angeles G, Islam SYear: 2009Filed under: Bangladesh, Child health, Contraception, Evaluation, Health Services, Maternal Health, Monitoring
2008 Baseline Rural Bangladesh Smiling Sun Franchise Program (BSSFP) Evaluation Survey Author(s): Lance P, Angeles G, Hayat Khan MSYear: 2009Filed under: Bangladesh, Child health, Contraception, Evaluation, Health Services, Maternal Health, Monitoring
2006 Bangladesh Urban Health Survey (UHS) Author(s): Angeles G, Al-Sabir A, Lance P, Buckner B, Streatfield PK, Karar ZA, et alYear: 2008Filed under: Bangladesh, Child health, Maternal Health, Survey