Standard Operating Procedure for Integrating Gender in Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2024Filed under: Data, Data use, Gender, Guidance and Tools
Strengthening Local Capacity in Monitoring and Evaluation in Moldova Author(s): Camelia Gheorge, Viorica ToartăYear: 2023Filed under: Brief, capacity strengthening, Data Quality, Data use, Moldova
Review of CTC Analytics Data Use at Site Level in Tanzania Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2023Filed under: Data use, Report, Tanzania
10 Ways to Increase the Use of Evaluation Findings Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2022Filed under: behavioral interventions, Data use, Evaluation, infographic
Applying Behavioral Insights to Increase the Use of Evaluation Findings at USAID Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2022Filed under: behavioral interventions, Brief, Data use, Evaluation
Behavioral Interventions for the Use of Evaluation Findings: Final Report Author(s): Agata Slota, Cassandra Ake, and Lucinda JonesYear: 2022Filed under: behavioral interventions, Data use, Evaluation, Report
Examinarea și utilizarea datelor pentru luarea deciziilor în beneficiul copilului Author(s): Viorica Toartă, Camelia GheorgheYear: 2022Filed under: Child health, Children, Data use, Moldova, Romanian
Our Work: Year 3 Highlights Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2022Filed under: annual report, Data Quality, Data use, evidence, Gender
Brief: Considerations for the Use of Routine Data for Evaluation of Public Health Programs Author(s): Measure EvaluationYear: 2020Filed under: Data Quality, Data use, Evaluation, RHIS, Routine Health Information Systems
Current practices on data review and data use to inform supportive supervision in child protection in Moldova Author(s): D4IYear: 2021Filed under: child protection, Data use, Moldova