Data for Impact End of Project Report Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2025Filed under: capacity strengthening, Data, Gender, Report, Routine data
Resources and Training Models to Strengthen the Gender Competency of Family Planning Providers: A case example from Ghana comparing in-person, blended, and virtual training Author(s): Katherine Andrinopoulos, Janna Wisniewski, Evelyn KokoYear: 2024Filed under: capacity strengthening, Family Planning, Gender, Ghana, Report, Training
Family Planning Needs across the Life Cycle in Bangladesh: System Considerations for the DGFP and DGH Author(s): Mizanur Rahman, M. Moinuddin Haider, M. Mahabubur Rahman, Shusmita Khan, Sian L. CurtisYear: 2023Filed under: Bangladesh, Brief, Family Planning, Gender, Policy
Family Planning Needs across the Life Cycle in Bangladesh: Synthesis of Recent Evidence and a Proposed New Approach Author(s): Mizanur Rahman, M. Moinuddin Haider, M. Mahabubur Rahman, Shusmita Khan, Sian L. CurtisYear: 2023Filed under: Bangladesh, Brief, Family Planning, Gender
Standard Operating Procedure for Integrating Gender in Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2024Filed under: Data, Data use, Gender, Guidance and Tools
Investigation of Facility-Level Gender-Based Violence Data Collection and Tracking Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2023Filed under: Family Planning, Gender, Gender-based violence, Report, Routine Health Information Systems
Organizational Network Analysis of AGYW Referrals in Botswana (Dataset) Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2022Filed under: Adolescent health, Botswana, Dataset, Family Planning, GBV, Gender, Gender-based violence, HIV, ona
Association of gender-related factors and household food security in southwest Oromia, Ethiopia: Evidence from a cross-sectional study Author(s): Honelgn Nahusenay Hiruy, Janine Barden-O’Fallon, Fikadu Mitiku, and Elizabeth Millar Year: 2023Filed under: Ethiopia, Gender, journal article, Nutrition
Differences by age group in gender-related attitudes in Oromia, Ethiopia: Findings from a cross-sectional study of women of reproductive age Author(s): Elizabeth Millar, Fikadu Mitiku, Honelgn N. Hiruy, and Janine Barden-O’FallonYear: 2023Filed under: Ethiopia, Gender, journal article, Reproductive Health
Gender Competency Tool Module A: Gender Sensitive Communication Author(s): Katherine Andrinopoulos, Courtney McGuire, Eve Namisango, Phyllis Dako-Gyeke, Taylor Reisz, Janna WisniewskiYear: 2023Filed under: Family Planning, Gender, gender competency, Guidance and Tools, Tools