Planting the SEEDs for Education: Theory of Change Brief Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2022Filed under: Brief, education, Evaluation, Malawi, theory of change
Understanding Financial Barriers to Secondary Education in Rural Malawi: Results from the Malawi SEED Impact Evaluation Baseline Survey Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2022Filed under: education, Evaluation, Malawi
Malawi SEED Urban School Expansion: Qualitative Brief Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2022Filed under: education, Evaluation, Malawi
Using Routine Data in Combination with Population Surveys to Understand Patterns of Contraceptive Use: A Case Study of Malawi Author(s): Mai Do, MD, DrPH; Bhavita Kumari, MD, MPH; Janine Barden-O’Fallon, PhD; Amani Selim, MA; Wezi Munthali, MPH; Bertha Migodi, MScCHNYear: 2022Filed under: Contraception, Family Planning, Malawi, Routine data, Survey
Validating the Effectiveness of a Rapid Assessment Tool for Routine Health Information Systems Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2018Filed under: Bangladesh, Data use, Health Information Systems, HIS, madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, RHIS, Routine Health Information Systems
Quality of family planning services in HIV integrated and non-integrated health facilities in Malawi and Tanzania Author(s): Michael A. Close, Janine Barden-OFallon, and Carolina MejiaYear: 2019Filed under: Family Planning, HIV, Malawi, Quality of care, Tanzania
If my husband leaves me, I will go home and suffer, so better cling to him and hide this thing: The influence of gender on Option B+ prevention of mother-to-child transmission participation in Malawi and Uganda Author(s): Flax VL, Yourkavitch J, Okello ES, Kadzandira J, Katahoire AR, Munthali ACYear: 2017Filed under: Contraception, Gender, HIV, HIV/AIDS, Malawi, Maternal Health, Newborn health, Pregnancy, Uganda, Women
The Effect of Access to Contraceptive Services on Injectable Use and Demand for Family Planning in Malawi Author(s): Skiles MP, Cunningham M, Inglis A, Wilkes B, Hatch B, Bock A, Barden-OFallon JYear: 2015Filed under: Contraception, Family Planning, Malawi
Malawi: Snapshot of the Strength of the Health Information System as a Source of HIV Data Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2019Filed under: Health Information Systems, HIS, HIV/AIDS, Malawi
Impact Evaluation of Malawi’s Organized Network of Services for Everyone’s (ONSE) Health Project: Baseline Report Author(s): Emily Weaver, Milissa Markiewicz, Bernard Agala, and John KadzandiraYear: 2018Filed under: Child health, Malawi, Maternal Health