Rwanda Gikuriro Kuri Bose (GKB) – Inclusive Nutrition and Early Childhood Development (INECD) Mid-Project Qualitative Process Evaluation Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2024Filed under: Brief, Child health, Nutrition, Rwanda
Rwanda Gikuriro Kuri Bose (GKB) – Inclusive Nutrition and Early Childhood Development (INECD) Mid-Project Qualitative Process Evaluation Final Report Author(s): Stephanie Martin, Julius Namanya, Milissa Markiewicz, Tory Taylor, Patrick Hitayezu, Emma Shyaka, Cynthia Girurugwiro, Patricia MohoroYear: 2024Filed under: Child health, Nutrition, Report, Rwanda
Investments in Strengthening the Social Service Workforce: Rwanda Final Report Author(s): Alex Collins, Caitlin Showalter, Irit SinaiYear: 2024Filed under: Care for children, child protection, Report, Rwanda, social service workforce
Investments in Strengthening the Social Service Workforce: Global Synthesis Report Author(s): Alex Collins, Caitlin Showalter, Irit SinaiYear: 2024Filed under: Armenia, Cambodia, Care for children, child protection, Report, Rwanda, social service workforce
Child Development and Protection Sub-Cluster Meetings, October 2022 to August 2023 Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2024Filed under: Child health, child protection, Rwanda
Progress Brief: M&E Framework Implementation Plan in Rwanda Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2024Filed under: Brief, Child health, child protection, Evaluation, Monitoring, Rwanda
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for the Rwandan National Child Development Agency Operational Plan (2022/3-2024/5) Author(s): Rwandan National Child Development AgencyYear: 2023Filed under: Rwanda
Strengthening Capacity for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Data Use in Rwanda: A Case Study Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2023Filed under: Brief, capacity strengthening, case study, Rwanda
Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Strengthening Plan: Rwanda Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2022Filed under: Brief, capacity strengthening, child protection, Evaluation, M&E, Monitoring, Rwanda
Landscape Assessment of Child Protection Digital Information Systems in Rwanda: May – June 2021 Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2022Filed under: child protection, Information System, Report, Rwanda