Child Protection and Care Reform in Rwanda: Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Report Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2022Filed under: Capacity Assessment, CECA, child protection, Evaluation, M&E, Monitoring, Report, Rwanda
Impact of a District-Wide Health Center Strengthening Intervention on Healthcare Utilization in Rural Rwanda: Use of Interrupted Time Series Analysis Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2020Filed under: assessment, Data Quality, Evaluation, evidence, method, RHIS, Routine data, Routine Health Information Systems, Rwanda
Initial Evidence of Reduction of Malaria Cases and Deaths in Rwanda and Ethiopia Due to Rapid Scale-Up of Malaria Prevention and Treatment Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2020Filed under: assessment, Data Quality, Ethiopia, Evaluation, evidence, method, RHIS, Routine data, Routine Health Information Systems, Rwanda