Prevalence of Obstetric Fistula and Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Bangladesh: Summary of the 2016 National Estimates Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation, icddr,b, the Maternal & Child Health Integrated Program, Fistula Care Plus, and Johns Hopkins UniversityYear: 2018Filed under: Bangladesh, Maternal Health, Maternal Mortality
Bangladesh Maternal Mortality and Health Care Survey 2016: Summary (Bengali Version) Author(s): United States Agency for International Development, MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2017Filed under: Bangladesh, Maternal Health, Maternal Mortality
Women’s television watching and reproductive health behavior in Bangladesh Author(s): Rahman M, Curtis SL, Chakraborty N, Jamil KYear: 2017Filed under: Bangladesh, Reproductive Health, Women
Production and Use of Estimates for Monitoring Progress in the Health Sector: The Case of Bangladesh Author(s): Ahsan KZ, Tahsina T, Iqbal A, Ali NB, Chowdhury SK, Huda TM, Arifeen SEYear: 2017Filed under: Bangladesh, Data, Health Information Systems, Health System, Monitoring
The Mayer Hashi Large-Scale Program to Increase Use of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives and Permanent Methods in Bangladesh: Explaining the Disappointing Results. An Outcome and Process Evaluation Author(s): Rahman M, Haider MM, Curtis SL, Lance PMYear: 2016Filed under: Bangladesh, Contraception, Evaluation, Family Planning
Fifteen Years of Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) in Bangladesh Health Sector: An assessment of progress Author(s): Ahsan KZ, Streatfield PK, Ijdi RE, Escudero GM, Khan AW, Reza MMYear: 2015Filed under: Bangladesh, Evaluation, Health System, Health Systems Strengthening, Monitoring, Nutrition
Bangladesh Nongovernmental Organization Health Service Delivery Project 2014 Baseline Rural Survey Report Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2016Filed under: Bangladesh, Health Services
Impact Evaluation of the Marketing Innovation for Health Project in Bangladesh Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2017Filed under: Antenatal Care, Bangladesh, Child health, Maternal Health, Reproductive Health
Measurement and Accountability for Health in Bangladesh: A Status Report Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2016Filed under: Bangladesh, Data
Bangladesh Marketing Innovation for Health Baseline Survey 2013-2014 Year: 2015Filed under: Bangladesh