Investments in Strengthening the Social Service Workforce: Cambodia Final Report Author(s): Alex Collins, Caitlin Showalter, Irit SinaiYear: 2024Filed under: Cambodia, Care for children, child protection, Khmer, Report, social service workforce
Investments in Strengthening the Social Service Workforce: Global Synthesis Report Author(s): Alex Collins, Caitlin Showalter, Irit SinaiYear: 2024Filed under: Armenia, Cambodia, Care for children, child protection, Report, Rwanda, social service workforce
Child Protection Case Management Information Systems: Promoting Appropriate Care for Children: A Framework for Engagement Author(s): Molly Cannon, Stuardo Herrera, Patricia Mechael (MEASURE Evaluation)Year: 2020Filed under: Alternative care, Armenia, Cambodia, Case management, child protection, Children, CMIS, Ghana, Guatemala, Information System, Kenya, MEASURE Evaluation, Moldova, Uganda