Datos para generar impacto en Colombia: mejora en la toma de decisiones basada en datos para la protección infantil Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2020Filed under: Care for children, Child health, Children, Colombia, Data, Spanish
The Impact of USAID’s Integrated Health Program in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Baseline Report Author(s): David Hotchkiss, Janna Wisniewski, Paul-Samson Lusamba-Dikassa, Lauren Blum, Matt Worges, Charles Stoecker, Eva SilvestreYear: 2020Filed under: baseline, Data, DRC, Evaluation, Gender, Health Information Systems, Health Services, Health System, IHP, RHIS, Routine data
Data for Impact in Colombia – Enhancing Data-Informed Decision Making for Child Protection Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2020Filed under: Care for children, child protection, Colombia, Data, decision making, Information System
Routine Family Planning Data in the Low- and Middle-Income Country Context: A Synthesis of Findings From 17 Small Research Grants Author(s): Bridgit Adamou, Janine Barden-O’Fallon, Katie Williams and Amani SelimYear: 2020Filed under: Data, Family Planning, Health Information Systems, journal article, RHIS, Routine data
Data Demand and Use Concepts and Tools: A Training Tool Kit Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2018Filed under: Data, Data use, decision making
Advances in Solutions for Data Quality Author(s): Jim Thomas, David BooneYear: 2018Filed under: Data, Data Quality
Enhancing Government Capacity to Assess, Address, and Monitor Child Protection and Care Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2020Filed under: Armenia, capacity strengthening, CECA, Child health, child protection, Data, Ghana, Moldova, Monitoring
Data for Impact (D4I) Capabilities Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2020Filed under: Data, Data Quality, Evaluation, evidence
Valorificarea puterii datelor în beneficiul copilului Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2020Filed under: Children, Data, Moldova, Romanian
Harnessing the Power of Data for the Benefit of the Child Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2020Filed under: Child health, Children, Data, Information System, Moldova