Strengthening the Performance of Kenya’s Health Information System: Improvements in Data Quality and Use at the County Level Author(s): Millar, E.Year: 2019Filed under: Capacity Assessment, Evaluation, HIS, Kenya, Learning agenda, MEASURE Evaluation PIMA, Monitoring
Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit for the Scale-Up of Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (EmONC) in Kenya Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation PIMAYear: 2017Filed under: EmONC, Evaluation, Kenya, Maternal Health, Monitoring, Newborn health
The Mayer Hashi Large-Scale Program to Increase Use of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives and Permanent Methods in Bangladesh: Explaining the Disappointing Results. An Outcome and Process Evaluation Author(s): Rahman M, Haider MM, Curtis SL, Lance PMYear: 2016Filed under: Bangladesh, Contraception, Evaluation, Family Planning
Fifteen Years of Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) in Bangladesh Health Sector: An assessment of progress Author(s): Ahsan KZ, Streatfield PK, Ijdi RE, Escudero GM, Khan AW, Reza MMYear: 2015Filed under: Bangladesh, Evaluation, Health System, Health Systems Strengthening, Monitoring, Nutrition
Suivi des rsultats du programme PEPFAR pour les orphelins et enfants vulnrables en Rpublique Dmocratique du Congo: Rsultats de lenqute du Projet ELIKA 2018 Author(s): Walter Obiero, Patrick Kayembe, Michelle WinnerYear: 2019Filed under: DRC, Evaluation, French, PEPFAR
FAQ: How Much Will an Evaluation Cost? Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2019Filed under: Evaluation
Data for Impact Starts with High-Quality Data Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2019Filed under: Data quality assessment, Data use, Data visualization, Evaluation
Data for Impact: What’s the cost of evaluations and other surveys? Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2019Filed under: Evaluation
Evaluation of Health Programs: A Postgraduate Overview Course Module 6 Syllabus: Evaluating Results Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2018Filed under: Curriculum, Evaluation, GEMNet-Health, M&E, Maternal and child health, Monitoring
Sampling and Evaluation A Guide to Sampling for Program Impact Evaluation Author(s): Lance P, Hattori AYear: 2016Filed under: Evaluation