Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators EN-MINI-PRISM Tools for Routine Health Information Systems: Tanzania Pilot Study Report Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2023Filed under: Data, EN-MINI, Newborn health, Report, RHIS, Tanzania, Tools
Mapped newborn data availability in routine Health Information Systems: EN-MINI mapping tool results: Tanzania – June 2022 Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2023Filed under: Data, EN-MINI, Newborn health, Report, RHIS, Tanzania, Tools
The United Republic of Tanzania’s National Guidelines for Supportive Supervision of Most Vulnerable Children Programs Author(s): Tanzania Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and ChildrenYear: 2021Filed under: Children, Guidance and Tools, MEASURE Evaluation Tanzania, Tanzania
Every Newborn-BIRTH protocol: observational study validating indicators for coverage and quality of maternal and newborn health care in Bangladesh, Nepal and Tanzania Author(s): Louise T Day, Harriet Ruysen, et al.Year: 2019Filed under: Bangladesh, Data, DHIS 2, EN-BIRTH, health care, Maternal and child health, Maternal Health, MCH, Nepal, Newborn health, Tanzania
The Importance of Collecting and Using Valid Data on Reaching Partners through Index Testing for HIV: Results and Recommendations Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2019Filed under: Brief, Data Quality, Data use, HIV, HIV/AIDS, Tanzania, Zimbabwe
Quality of family planning services in HIV integrated and non-integrated health facilities in Malawi and Tanzania Author(s): Michael A. Close, Janine Barden-OFallon, and Carolina MejiaYear: 2019Filed under: Family Planning, HIV, Malawi, Quality of care, Tanzania
Factors Affecting Sex- and Age-Disaggregated Data in Health Information Systems Lessons from the Field Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2017Filed under: Brief, Data, Gender, Health Information Systems, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia
Strengthening Data Demand and Use in Three African Countries: Lessons Learned from the Associate Awards in Kenya, South Africa, and Tanzania Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2018Filed under: Data, Data use, Health Information Systems, HIS, Kenya, MEASURE Evaluation PIMA, MEASURE Evaluation Tanzania, MEval-SIFSA, South Africa, Tanzania
Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation in Tanzanias Health and Social Service Programmes: Field Manual Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation TanzaniaYear: 2017Filed under: Curriculum, Evaluation, M&E, MEASURE Evaluation Tanzania, Monitoring, Tanzania