Resources: Bangladesh BriefsEvery Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators (EN-MINI) Tools for Routine Health Information Systems and Findings from its Implementation in Bangladesh (2025, )Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators (EN-MINI) Tools for Routine Health Information Systems and Findings from its Implementation in Bangladesh (Bangla) (2025, )Assessment of a Post Partum Family Planning (PPFP) Intervention in Selected Areas of Bangladesh (2024, English)Does counseling on family planning at maternity care points increase the uptake of postpartum family planning?: Evidence from nationally representative survey (2024, English)Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators (EN-MINI) Tools for Routine Health Information Systems and Findings from its Implementation in Tanzania (2024, English)Strengthening Maternal Care: The Evolution of Midwives in Upazila Health Complexes in Bangladesh (2024, English)Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators (EN-MINI) Tools for Routine Health Information Systems (Bangla) (2024, )Kangaroo Mother Care and Special Care Newborn Units for Small and Sick Newborns in Bangladesh: Gaps in Service Availability, Readiness, and Functionality (2024, English)Chlorhexidine Coverage for Newborn Umbilical Cord Care in Bangladesh and Nepal (2024, English)Family Planning Needs across the Life Cycle in Bangladesh: System Considerations for the DGFP and DGH (2024, English)Family Planning Needs across the Life Cycle in Bangladesh: Synthesis of Recent Evidence and a Proposed New Approach (2024, English)Investment for the Sustainability of Digital Health Systems in Bangladesh (2023, English)Strengthening Local Research Capacity through Small Grants (2023, English)Use of Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills among Women with Elevated Blood Pressure in Bangladesh (2023, English)Potential for further fertility decline in Bangladesh and the implications for the National Family Planning Program (2022, English)Taking measures before opportunities bleed away: Current knowledge and policy gaps in menstrual hygiene management among adolescent girls in Bangladesh (2022, English)Impact of vacancies at the community level: Insights from digital tools (2022, English)The double burden of malnutrition among Bangladeshi women: Rethinking the country’s maternal and child health programs and policies (2022, English)Use of Routine Health Information System Data to Monitor and Improve Quality of Care (2022, English)HIS Mapping: An Inventory of Digital Tools in Use by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in Bangladesh (2021, English)Estimating the Effects of COVID-19 on Immunization Services Use in Bangladesh (2021, English)Improving Private Health Care Data Collection in Bangladesh (2021, English)Estimating the effect of COVID-19 on utilization of health services in the DRC and Bangladesh: Technical note (2021, English)Bangladesh Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Survey 2019-20: Summary Findings (2021, English)Estimating the effect of COVID-19 on total utilization of health services in Bangladesh (2021, English)Creating a New Digital Health System in Bangladesh by Building Interoperability between the Country's Family Planning Service Statistics System and the DHIS2 (2021, English)Improved Reporting of Performance Data Supports Health Decision Making in Bangladesh (2021, English)Discontinuation of Contraceptive Intrauterine Devices and Implants in Bangladesh (2021, English)Bangladesh Maternal Mortality and Health Care Survey 2016: Summary (2021, English)The Future of Long-Acting and Permanent Methods of Contraception in Bangladesh: A Policy Brief (2021, English)Fact Sheet: MEASURE Evaluation in Bangladesh (2021, English)Prevalence of Obstetric Fistula and Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Bangladesh: Summary of the 2016 National Estimates (2019, English)Bangladesh Maternal Mortality and Health Care Survey 2016: Summary (Bengali Version) (2019, Bengali)GuidanceEvery Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators EN-MINI-PRISM Tools for Routine Health Information Systems Bangladesh Pilot Study Report (2025, English)High Impact Practices (HIPs) in Family Planning: Measuring and Monitoring HIP Implementation with Core Components: Example HIP Core Component Checklists (2023, English)ReportsBangladesh Health Facility Survey 2022: Final Report (2024, English)Impact Analysis of Selected Indicators of USAID’s MaMoni Maternal and Newborn Care Strengthening Project (2024, English)Assessment of a Postpartum Family Planning (PPFP) Intervention in Selected Areas of Bangladesh (2024, English)High Impact Practices (HIPs) in Family Planning (FP): A qualitative assessment of quality and scale of implementation for three service delivery HIPs in Bangladesh and Tanzania (2023, English)High Impact Practices (HIPs) in Family Planning (FP): A qualitative assessment of quality and scale of implementation for three service delivery HIPs in Bangladesh and Tanzania (2023, English)Mapped newborn data availability in routine Health Information Systems EN-MINI mapping tool results: Bangladesh (2023, English)Measurement of Full Method Choice: Assessment of method availability in Bangladesh (2021, English)Bangladesh Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Survey 2019-20: Final Report (2021, English)Seminar on Strengthening the Routine Health Information System of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in Bangladesh (2021, English)Impact Evaluation of the Mayer Hashi II Project in Bangladesh (2021, English)Impact of the Bangladesh Nongovernmental Organization Health Service Delivery Project (2021, English)The Sustainability of the Electronic Management Information System of Bangladesh's Directorate General of Family Planning (2021, English)Assessment of the MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Project in Bangladesh (2021, English)An Assessment of the Advancing Adolescent Health Program in Bangladesh (2021, English)Bangladesh District Level Socio-demographic and Health Care Utilization Indicators (2021, English)Improving Nutrition through Community-Based Approaches in Bangladesh (2021, English)Effective Access to Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives and Permanent Methods in Bangladesh (2021, English)Postpartum Family Planning in Bangladesh: A Situation Analysis and Way Forward (2021, English)Implementation of the Electronic Management Information System in Bangladesh: Experience and Lessons Learned (2021, English)Validating the Effectiveness of a Rapid Assessment Tool for Routine Health Information Systems (2021, English)Bangladesh Maternal Mortality and Health Care Survey (BMMS) 2016: Final Report (2021, English)Data Demand and Information Use in the Health Sector: Case Study Series (2021, English)Strengthening Routine Health Information Systems through Electronic Management Systems in Bangladesh (2021, English)Bangladesh Maternal Mortality and Health Care Survey 2016: Preliminary Report (2021, English)Bangladesh Mayer Hashi II 2015 Baseline Survey Report (2021, English)Bangladesh Nongovernmental Organization Health Service Delivery Project 2014 Baseline Urban Survey Report (2021, English)Findings from a Multi-Country Assessment of Integrated Health Programs (2021, English)Impact Evaluation of the Mayer Hashi Program of Long-Acting and Permanent Methods of Contraception in Bangladesh (2021, English)Bangladesh Smiling Sun Franchise Program Endline Survey Report 2011 (2021, English)Bangladesh Smiling Sun Franchise Program Impact Evaluation Report (2021, English)Bangladesh Maternal Mortality and Health Care Survey 2010 (2021, English)Bangladesh District Level Socio-demographic and Health Care Utilization Indicators (2021, English)2008 Baseline Urban Bangladesh Smiling Sun Franchise Program (BSSFP) Evaluation Survey (2021, English)2008 Baseline Rural Bangladesh Smiling Sun Franchise Program (BSSFP) Evaluation Survey (2021, English)2006 Bangladesh Urban Health Survey (UHS) (2021, English)2005 Urban NGO Service Delivery Program (NSDP) Evaluation Survey (2021, English)2005 Rural NGO Service Delivery Program (NSDP) Evaluation Survey (2021, English)Slums of Urban Bangladesh: Mapping and Census, 2005 (2021, English)2003 Urban NGO Service Delivery Program (NSDP) Evaluation Survey (2021, English)2003 BPHC Evaluation Survey (2021, English)2003 Rural NGO Service Delivery Program (NSDP) Evaluation Survey (2021, English)Bangladesh: Evaluation of Impacts of the Urban Family Health Partnership (UFHP) (2021, English)Bangladesh: Evaluation of Impacts of the Rural Service Delivery Partnership (RSDP) (2021, English)Bangladesh: 2001 Urban Family Health partnership Evaluation Survey - Facility Survey Report (2021, English)Bangladesh: 2001 Rural Service Delivery Partnership Evaluation Survey - Facility Survey Report (2021, English)Bangladesh: 2001 Urban Family Health Partnership Evaluation Survey - Household Survey Report (2021, English)Bangladesh: 2001 Rural Service Delivery Partnership Evaluation Survey - Household Survey Report (2021, English)Segmented-Client Communication Intervention for Improving the Use of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives and Permanent Methods in Rural Bangladesh (2020, English)Evaluation of the Improving Nutrition through Community Approaches (INCA) Project in Bangladesh: Outcome and Impact Evaluation (2020, English)Bangladesh's Electronic Management Information Systems: Using Digital Technology to Link Community Data with Facility Data: Case Study (2019, English)Bangladesh Urban Health Survey 2013 Final Report (2019, English)Bangladesh Nongovernmental Organization Health Service Delivery Project 2014 Baseline Rural Survey Report (2019, English)Impact Evaluation of the Marketing Innovation for Health Project in Bangladesh (2019, English)Measurement and Accountability for Health in Bangladesh: A Status Report (2019, English)Bangladesh Marketing Innovation for Health Baseline Survey 2013-2014 (2019, English)Working PapersFacility Readiness and Service Provision in Mother and Child Welfare Centers (MCWCs) in Bangladesh: Where Do We Stand? (2023, English)Privacy and Confidentiality of Personal Health Data in Bangladesh (2022, English)Hypertension and Diabetes in Bangladesh: Findings from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) 2017-18 and Policy Implications (2021, English)Using DHIS 2 Software to Collect Health Data in Bangladesh (2021, English)Feasibility of Integrating Social Service and Community Health Data in DHIS 2 (2021, English)Impact Evaluations of Large-Scale Public Health Interventions: Experiences from the Field (2021, English)Existing Gap between Preferred and Actual Birth Intervals in Bangladesh: Relation to Fertility and Child Health. Analysis from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2011 (2021, English)Comparing Alternative Measures of Poverty: Assets-Based Wealth Index vs. Expenditures-Based Poverty Score (2021, English)Effect of an Expansion in Private Sector Provision of Contraceptive Supplies on Horizontal Inequity in Modern Contraceptive Use: Evidence from Africa and Asia (2021, English)Measuring and Interpreting Urban Fertility and Family Planning Indicators by Wealth in Two South Asian Countries (2021, English)On reuse of clusters in repeated studies (2021, English)An assessment of the Advancing Adolescent Health (A2H) Program in Rangpur: Implications for future interventions (2021, English)The status of postpartum family planning in Bangladesh: A situation analysis and way forward (2020, English)Potential interventions to improve the use of long-acting reversible contraceptives and permanent methods in Bangladesh (2020, English)The availability of and readiness for providing long-acting contraceptives and permanent methods in Bangladesh (2020, English)DatasetsEffect of COVID-19 on Health Services Use in Bangladesh and Uganda (Dataset) (2023, English)Evaluation of the Improving Nutrition through Community Approaches (INCA) Project in Bangladesh: Outcome and Impact Evaluation (Dataset) (2023, English)Bangladesh Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Survey 2019-2020 (Dataset) (2023, English)Bangladesh Maternal Mortality and Health Care Survey (BMMS) 2016 (Dataset) (2023, English)Journal ArticleChanging paradigm of malnutrition among Bangladeshi women of reproductive age and gaps in national Nutrition Policies and Action Plans to tackle the emerging challenge (2024, English)Levels and trends in mortality and causes of death among women of reproductive age in Bangladesh: Findings from three national surveys (2023, English)Preeclampsia and eclampsia-specific maternal mortality in Bangladesh: Levels, trends, timing, and care-seeking practices (2023, English)Maternal mortality in Bangladesh: Who, when, why, and where? A national survey-based analysis (2023, English)Levels, trends, causes, place and time of, care-seeking for, and barriers in preventing indirect maternal deaths in Bangladesh: An analysis of national-level household surveys (2023, English)Haemorrhage-related maternal mortality in Bangladesh: Levels, trends, time of death, and care-seeking practices based on nationally representative population-based surveys (2023, English)Factors that provide protection against intimate partner physical violence among married adolescents in Bangladesh (2023, English)What shapes attitudes on gender roles among adolescents in Bangladesh (2023, English)Obstetric fistula in Bangladesh: Estimates from a national survey with clinical validation correction (2022, English)Every Newborn-BIRTH protocol: observational study validating indicators for coverage and quality of maternal and newborn health care in Bangladesh, Nepal and Tanzania (2021, English)Maternal postnatal care in Bangladesh: a closer look at specific content and coverage by different types of providers (2021, English)Postnatal care for newborns in Bangladesh: The importance of health-related factors and location (2021, English)The importance of skin-to-skin contact for early initiation of breastfeeding in Nigeria and Bangladesh (2021, English)Developing Core Competencies for Monitoring and Evaluation Tracks in South Asian MPH Programs (2021, English)Effects of individual, household and community characteristics on child nutritional status in the slums of urban Bangladesh (2021, English)Monitoring and Evaluating Progress towards Universal Health Coverage in Bangladesh (2021, English)Maternal Mortality in Bangladesh: A countdown to 2015 country case study (2021, English)Association Between Child Marriage and Reproductive Health Outcomes and Service Utilization: A Multi-Country Study From South Asia (2021, English)Estimating Expenditure-Based Poverty from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (2021, English)Contraceptive discontinuation and unintended pregnancy: an imperfect relationship (2021, English)Physical and sexual abuse of wives in urban Bangladesh: Husbands reports (2021, English)Imbalances in the health labour force: an assessment using data from three national health facility surveys (2021, English)Women's television watching and reproductive health behavior in Bangladesh (2019, English)The Mayer Hashi Large-Scale Program to Increase Use of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives and Permanent Methods in Bangladesh: Explaining the Disappointing Results. An Outcome and Process Evaluation (2019, English)Production and Use of Estimates for Monitoring Progress in the Health Sector: The Case of Bangladesh (2019, English)Fifteen Years of Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) in Bangladesh Health Sector: An assessment of progress (2019, English)