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A pregnant woman taking medicine with assistance from a midwife at a health center in Benin. 2019 Karl Job/USAID


In Benin, D4I has conducted a midterm evaluation of the USAID-funded MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery (MPHD) project to assess interventions, implementation status, and quality as well as overall achievements and obstacles to achieving key results. The goal of MPHD is to improve coverage and health outcomes by providing technical assistance and capacity strengthening to private sector healthcare providers to expand the market and fill gaps in healthcare systems. Findings from the midterm evaluation will inform decisions about the design of future investments in private sector engagement for family planning, reproductive health, and maternal and child health and nutrition. 

Midterm Evaluation of MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery
D4I has conducted a midterm evaluation of the MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery (MPHD) project in Benin. The purpose of evaluation was to assess the project’s interventions, implementation status, quality, overall achievements, and obstacles to achieving key results.

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