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Women’s farming cooperative meeting in the village of Dona.  2017 Sandra Coburn/USAID Land 1

Côte d’Ivoire

In Côte d’Ivoire, D4I is evaluating the Amplify Family Planning and Reproductive Health (AmplifyPF) project. AmplifyPF is USAID’s flagship family planning project that aims to reduce unmet contraceptive need. The project operates in urban and peri-urban areas and supports capacity strengthening, family planning service integration, health facility data audits, youth leadership, and resource provision. The evaluation assesses the sustainability, barriers, and facilitators to the success of specific aspects of the project as well as the impact of the program using Performance Monitoring for Action (PMA) data.

D4I, in collaboration with Côte d’Ivoire-based Synergie Expertise, conducted an evaluation to assess the economic impact of malaria burden on vulnerable groups and the effectiveness of the government’s free healthcare policies aimed at increasing access to and use of health services. 

AmplifyPF Regional Evaluation in Francophone West Africa
D4I is conducting a performance evaluation of AmplifyPF, a family planning initiative supported by USAID/West Africa/Regional Health Office in Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, and Togo.
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2 Flickr image modified.