D4I has conducted evaluations and implementation process monitoring within Malawi. The evaluations help to understand whether there is a change or impact on communities where programmatic activity is occurring. Process monitoring ensures project goals and outcomes are met. D4I has taken a mixed methods approach to evaluate a broad range of development outcomes, including quality of care at health facilities; educational outcomes; school-related gender-based violence; child, early, and forced marriage; sexual and reproductive health; water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) behaviors; and child safety.

© 2022 Matt Harder/Tetra Tech
Malawi SEED Evaluation
D4I conducted a baseline and midline impact evaluation of the Malawi Secondary Education Expansion for Development (SEED) program, to understand if there was a change or impact on communities and access to secondary education with the expansion and construction of Community Day Secondary Schools.
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© 2021 USAID/Malawi 1
ONSE Impact Evaluation
The Organized Network of Services for Everyone’s (ONSE) Health project’s goal was to improve access to and quality of maternal, neonatal, and child health services. The impact evaluation, initiated under MEASURE Evaluation and continued by D4I, and process monitoring informed recommendations to improve outcomes.
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