Publications on Generating Evidence Generating Evidence Data for Impact (D4I) has produced publications on topics such as monitoring and evaluation (M&E), strengthening health information systems, health informatics, and on health program areas such as family planning, malaria, and HIV/AIDS. Use the search engine to find publications available as free downloads. USAID Integrated Health Program Evaluation Report: Impact Evaluation Results (2024, English)Evaluation of USAID’s Tubiteho project in Burundi (2024, English)Perspectives mondiales sur le leadership local en matière de suivi, d’évaluation, de recherche et d’apprentissage: Conclusions du webinaire et engagement des organisations locales (2024, French)Guidance for Institutionalizing Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), Use of Data, and Information Systems in Pre-Service Education for Social Workers (2024, English)Accounting for Aid: Estimating the Impact of United States’ Global Health Investments on Mortality Among Women of Reproductive Age Using Synthetic Control and Bayesian Methods (2024, English)Global Insights on Local Leadership in Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning: Webinar Findings & Local Organization Engagements (2024, English)Assessing Approaches to Demand-Side Family Planning Measurement with a Reproductive Justice and Rights Framework: IUSSP Expert Group Meeting Report (2024, English)Mesurer l’amélioration de la performance en matière de suivi, d’évaluation, de recherche et d’apprentissage (SERA) (2024, French)Measuring Performance Improvement in Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL) (2024, English)Malawi Secondary Education Expansion for Development (SEED) Impact Evaluation Baseline and Midline (Dataset) (2024, English)1 2 3 … 18 Next »