Publications on Promoting Data Use

Data for Impact (D4I) has produced publications on topics such as monitoring and evaluation (M&E), strengthening health information systems, health informatics, and on health program areas such as family planning, malaria, and HIV/AIDS. Use the search engine to find publications available as free downloads.
Évaluation de la ventilation par âge des données de routine en matière de planification familiale (PF) (2024, French)
What approaches and tools are available to support data use in care system reform and strengthening? (2024, English)
Driving Positive Attitudes towards Evidence Use (2024, English)
Data for Impact Annual Report Year 5 (2023, English)
Good Practices in Data Use: Enhancing Social Services for Children with Disabilities in Dondușeni District, Moldova (2024, English)
Good Practices in Data Use: Transforming the lives of Vulnerable Children in Chișinău, Moldova (2024, English)
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