Resources:Integrate Gender

Theory of Change: Midline Status Update (2024, English)
Family Planning Needs across the Life Cycle in Bangladesh: System Considerations for the DGFP and DGH (2024, English)
Family Planning Needs across the Life Cycle in Bangladesh: Synthesis of Recent Evidence and a Proposed New Approach (2024, English)
Échelle d’autonomisation reproductive (2023, French)
Reproductive Empowerment Scale (2023, English)
Taking measures before opportunities bleed away: Current knowledge and policy gaps in menstrual hygiene management among adolescent girls in Bangladesh (2022, English)
Bangladesh Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Survey 2019-20: Summary Findings (2021, English)
Pilot Testing a Gender-Integrated Routine Data Quality Assessment Tool in Kenya (2019, English)
Pilot-Testing a Gender-Integrated Routine Data Quality Assessment Tool in Zambia: Summary of the Results (2019, English)
An Information System for Gender-Based Violence Care and Support: Botswana (2019, English)
Factors Affecting Sex- and Age-Disaggregated Data in Health Information Systems Lessons from the Field (2019, English)
Standard Operating Procedure for Integrating Gender in Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research (2019, English)
Standard Operating Procedure for Integrating Gender in Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research (2024, )
Gender Competency Tool Module A: Gender Sensitive Communication (2023, English)
Gender Competency Tool Module B: Promoting Individual Agency (2023, English)
Gender Competency Tool Module C: Supporting Legal Rights and Status Related to Family Planning (2023, English)
Gender Competency Tool Module D: Engaging Men and Boys as Partners (2023, English)
Gender Competency Tool Module E: Facilitating Positive Couples’ Communication and Cooperative Decision Making (2023, English)
Gender Competency Tool Module F: Addressing Gender-Based Violence (2023, English)
A Provider Self-Assessment Tool to Measure Gender Competency for Family Planning Services (2023, English)
Violence Against Women and Girls: A Compendium of Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators (2020, English)
Seven Steps to EnGendering Public Health Evaluations: Training Instructions (2019, English)
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Measures for Global Survey Research: A Primer for Improving Data Quality (2019, English)
Integrating Gender in the Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Programs: A Toolkit (2019, English)
Qualitative Methods in Evaluation of Public Health Programs, a Curriculum on Intermediate Concepts and Practices: Participants Guide (2019, English)
Qualitative Methods in Evaluation of Public Health Programs, a Curriculum on Intermediate Concepts and Practices: Facilitators Guide (2019, English)
Qualitative Methods in Evaluation of Public Health Programs, a Curriculum on Intermediate Concepts and Practices: Syllabus (2019, English)
Data for Impact End of Project Report (2025, English)
Resources and Training Models to Strengthen the Gender Competency of Family Planning Providers: A case example from Ghana comparing in-person, blended, and virtual training (2024, English)
Evaluation of the AmplifyPF Regional Project (2024, English)
Malawi Secondary Education Expansion for Development (SEED) Impact Evaluation: Midline Summary Report (2024, English)
Malawi Secondary Education Expansion for Development (SEED) Impact Evaluation: Midline Report (2024, English)
Malawi SEED Urban: Midline Qualitative Findings (2024, English)
Investigation of Facility-Level Gender-Based Violence Data Collection and Tracking (2023, English)
Gaps in Global Monitoring and Evaluation of Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health (2022, English)
USAID Integrated Health Program Midline Evaluation: Results from the 2019 and 2021 health facility surveys (2021, English)
Bangladesh Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Survey 2019-20: Final Report (2021, English)
An Assessment of the Advancing Adolescent Health Program in Bangladesh (2021, English)
The Impact of USAID’s Integrated Health Program in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Baseline Report (2020, English)
Guidelines on Best Practices for Adolescent- and Youth-Friendly HIV Services – An Examination of 13 Projects in PEPFAR-Supported Countries (2020, English)
Evaluation of a School-Based Sexuality and HIV-Prevention Activity in South Africa: Midline Qualitative Report (2020, English)
Organizational Network Analysis of Referrals for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (2020, English)
Transforming Gender Norms, Roles, and Power Dynamics for Better Health: Evidence from a Systematic Review of Gender-integrated Health Programs in Low-and Middle-Income Countries (2019, English)
Gender and Groundnut Value Chains in Eastern Province, Zambia (2019, English)
Male Sexual Partners of Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Haiti: A Survey of HIV Risk Behavior, HIV Service Use, and Partner Violence (2019, English)
Characterizing Male Sexual Partners of Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Mozambique: Quantitative Results from Beira, Quelimane, and Xai-Xai Districts (2019, English)
Characterizing Male Sexual Partners of Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Mozambique: Findings from Focus Group Discussions in Xai-Xai, Beira, and Quelimane Districts (2019, English)
Gender Factors Influencing Participation in the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV Program in Malawi under Option B+ (2019, English)
Botswana's Gender-Based Violence Referral System Project: Operations Research End Line Report (2019, English)
PLACE Swaziland Adolescent Girls and Young Women, Their Partners, and Men Ages 2034 (2019, English)
Guidelines for Integrating Gender into an M&E Framework and System Assessment (2019, English)
Developing Measures of Reproductive Empowerment A Qualitative Study in Zambia (2019, English)
Working Papers
Évaluation de la ventilation par âge des données de routine en matière de planification familiale (PF) (2025, French)
Assessment of Age Disaggregation in Routine Family Planning (FP) Data (2024, English)
An assessment of the Advancing Adolescent Health (A2H) Program in Rangpur: Implications for future interventions (2021, English)
Our Work: Year 3 Highlights (2022, English)
Malawi Secondary Education Expansion for Development (SEED) Impact Evaluation Baseline and Midline (Dataset) (2024, English)
Organizational Network Analysis of AGYW Referrals in Botswana (Dataset) (2023, English)
Bangladesh Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Survey 2019-2020 (Dataset) (2023, English)
Journalist Training Assessment, 2020 (Dataset) (2023, English)
Journal Article
Association of gender-related factors and household food security in southwest Oromia, Ethiopia: Evidence from a cross-sectional study (2023, English)
Differences by age group in gender-related attitudes in Oromia, Ethiopia: Findings from a cross-sectional study of women of reproductive age (2023, English)
Factors that provide protection against intimate partner physical violence among married adolescents in Bangladesh (2023, English)
What shapes attitudes on gender roles among adolescents in Bangladesh (2023, English)
Association Between Child Marriage and Reproductive Health Outcomes and Service Utilization: A Multi-Country Study From South Asia (2021, English)
Physical and sexual abuse of wives in urban Bangladesh: Husbands reports (2021, English)
Gender Counts: A systematic review of evaluations of gender-integrated health interventions in low- and middle-income countries (2019, English)
If my husband leaves me, I will go home and suffer, so better cling to him and hide this thing: The influence of gender on Option B+ prevention of mother-to-child transmission participation in Malawi and Uganda (2019, English)