Photo of D4I’s Armenia-based M&E expert presenting a certificate recognizing participation in M&E module development to a staff member.

Institutionalization of Social Work M&E Courses in Moldova and Armenia

D4I has implemented small grants with institutions in Moldova and Armenia to develop pre- and in-service monitoring and evaluation (M&E) training within their social work curricula, with the goal of strengthening the social service workforce’s capacity to generate and use evidence for decision-making.

Photo of a Zambian woman smiling and holding a baby.


A smiling mother holding her baby. 2016 U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative Go back to countries map Zambia D4I pretested responsive care and early learning counseling cards developed by USAID Advancing …

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Photo of four women walking toward a small birthing center in Nepal.


Women walking to birthing center. © 2014 Jessica Fehringer/Data for Impact Go back to countries map Nepal D4I improves newborn health, nutrition, and family planning in Nepal. This work includes …

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