Number or percent of vasectomy referrals
The number or percentage of men of reproductive age (15–54) who received a referral for vasectomy. A referral occurs if the client is advised where he can go to receive a vasectomy, and the referral is documented at the referral source as proof that a referral was made.
This indicator may be a count of the number of men who received a referral for vasectomy. As a percentage, this indicator is calculated as follows:
(Number of male clients who received a referral for vasectomy / Total number of male clients ages 15–54 served at the site during the reporting period) x 100)
Data Requirement(s):
Number of male clients of reproductive age served at a given clinic during a given period (e.g., annually) as well as the confirmation of how many were referred for vasectomy
This indicator can be disaggregated by age, geographic location, and type of clinic making the referral.
Service delivery statistics
The focus of this indicator is to help monitor vasectomy service delivery by tracking the number of referrals given. This indicator may be used in conjunction with number of vasectomies performed, to understand service delivery more comprehensively.
This indicator assumes that vasectomy counseling has occurred prior to referral. Tracking referrals remains a challenge in many countries and following up on individuals who complete referrals at another service delivery point may be difficult until coordination between services improves and linkages are strengthened.
family planning, male engagement, long-acting/permanent methods (LAPM)