Percent of demand for public sector contraceptives met by all funding sources combined

Percent of demand for public sector contraceptives met by all funding sources combined

Percent of demand for public sector contraceptives met by all funding sources combined

Definition: The percent of forecasted costs for contraceptives met with the total amount of spending and donations for contraceptives from all sources in the public sector. A funding gap occurs when the total amount of spending and donations from all sources falls short for the total forecasted funding need.

To calculate this indicator:

(Total government funds spent on contraceptive procurement [in US$] + total value [in US$] of in-kind donations and grants spent on contraceptive procurement for the public sector / Estimated US$ value of contraceptives needed to be procured for the public sector) x 100

Data Requirements: Forecasted annual demand for public sector contraceptives, cost of that demand, and total amount of public spending on and donations of contraceptives for the same year

Data Sources: To determine the government funds spent on contraceptive procurement, the data sources are government spending records, including internally generated funds; World Bank assistance; basket funds and other funds given to the government; donors’ public sector contraceptive procurement spending records; purchase orders or contracts; proofs of delivery; or key informant interviews with the procurement or logistics unit.

To determine the value of in-kind donations and grants, the data sources are donor records (e.g. Global Family Planning Visibility and Analytics Network [GFPVAN], World Bank reports, Global Fund reports, other), or government agreements.

To determine the estimated dollar value of the forecasted need (or “demand”) for contraceptives, the data sources are implementing partner quantification reports based on forecasting reports; PipeLine, the Quantification Analytics Tool (QAT), or supply plans (e.g., contraceptive procurement tables) for forecasted contraceptives; or government budgets.

The Contraceptive Security Indicators Survey was developed in 2009 under the USAID/DELIVER project and, as of 2024, is administered by the USAID Global Health Supply Chain – Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project. Additional history on the development of the survey is available here. For this indicator, respondents of the contraceptive security survey tool are asked (question B2), “What was the forecasted (estimated) US dollar value of contraceptives needed to be procured for the public sector for the most recent complete fiscal year?” Sub-question B2a is “What is the quantity of contraceptives forecast (in B2), in Couple Years of Protection (CYP)?”

Purpose: This indicator shows if actual contraceptive public sector expenditures met the forecasted public sector need or demand for contraceptives in terms of dollar value. Once the forecasted contraceptive procurement need and actual public expenditures have been calculated, you can determine if there was a gap between anticipated need and actual spending. This information helps to gauge a country’s contraceptive-related financial planning and can be used to assess the sustainability of contraceptive security (GHSC-PSM, 2023). Contraceptive security means men and women can choose, obtain, and use a wide range of high-quality and affordable contraceptive methods, when they need them.

Using this and other family planning/reproductive health indicators can better inform strategic planning and assist countries improve and respond with adequate resource mobilization strategies and pooling and purchasing mechanisms to close expected financing gaps.

Issues: Although the indicator may reveal a high percentage of the demand for public sector contraceptives being met by all funding sources in a particular country, because the indicator is a combination of all funding sources, evaluators may have difficulty assessing if the country is relying too heavily on one funding source to obtain contraceptive security. Also, this indicator excludes private sector procurement.

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Global Health Supply Chain – Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM). 2023 Contraceptive Security Indicators Dashboard. USAID. Accessed July 2024.

USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management Single Award IDIQ. 2023. Contraceptive Security Indicators Data Collection and Usage Manual. Washington, D.C.: Chemonics International Inc.