Number of individuals using SGBV social services
The number of men, women, and children who used sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) services during a specified time period (e.g., during the past 12 months). Social services include but are not limited to:
- Safe space, or shelters, for women and children
- Crisis hotlines for intimate partner and sexual violence
- Case management services including counseling, support groups, safety planning, legal aid/support, child welfare, recreational programs for abused children
- Crisis intervention skills including training, income generation, and self defense
- Perpetrator programs, and reintegration
Data Requirement(s):
Count of the number of individuals who used SGBV services during a specified time period. Data should be disaggregated by organization and by type of service provided, per the checklist above.
Reviewing the records and compiling the count at individual organizations will yield a figure disaggregated by organization. The counts can then be added together to get a total figure representing utilization within the given geographic area. The disaggregated count by type is calculated by grouping together organizations by the type of services they provide, and then tallying those totals together per type.
In this instance, case management services should note the specific type of services listed in that category. If one or more organizations provides comprehensive services (and thus multiple types), the organization would be classified under a category called “integrated services,” noting which actual services are provided.
Evaluators may want to disaggregate by sex. Depending on the program or project collecting this data, data collection may also want to specify if the individual was lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgeneder as members of this population are at increased risk for sexual violence.
Records from all organizations providing social services in a given area. This indicator should be measured in conjunction with the indicator, “Availability of social services within an accessible distance” since the organizations identified in that count would constitute those whose records would be reviewed.
This output indicator provides a crude utilization measure of SGBV social services.
Measurement of this indicator relies on records maintained at organizations that provide services for SGBV survivors. The data collected will only be as good as the original records. If identifiers are not used in the records, double counting of individuals can occur when one person is using more than one service organization. A true increase in the number of individuals using these organizations over time may reflect a number of things, including more need (a growing population of affected individuals), increased funding and focus on the problem, or increased attention and awareness within communities.
access, empowerment, violence
With the focus on women and girls being the victims of SGBV, males may be reluctant to seek out social services because of cultural beliefs that boys and men can’t be victims. Additionally, social services may be ill-equipped to address male survivors of SGBV. Although none or a small number of males may report using SGBV social services, one must be cautious to extrapolate the data to estimate the scale of the problem in the larger population since only a small fraction of male survivors of sexual assault actually report the crime and/or seek out supportive services.
Bloom S. “Violence Against Women and Girls: A Compendium of Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators.” USAID, IGWG, and MEASURE Evaluation, 2008.