D4I Armenia promotes access and use of data on children in adversity by community social workersDownload Document: Promoting-community-social-workers-brief_FS-21-531-Final.pdf (427 KB)Abstract: This brief shares information on Data for Impact's activities to promote and advocate for community social workers (CSWs) in Armenia to have access to the Manuk information system, which is used for registration and tracking of children in adversity, and their increased involvement in the child protection system. These efforts took two directions: (1) advocate for the use of CSWs to identify children who were out of school following the deinstitutionalization of care institutions and special schools between 2018 and 2020; and (2) contribute to the working group established by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs for clarifying the roles and responsibilities of CSWs by making relevant amendments to existing legislation. Download the brief to learn more.Shortname: fs-21-531-d4iAuthor(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2021Language: EnglishRegion(s): ARMENIAFiled under: Armenia, Brief, CECA, child protection, Children, Community, Data use, Social work