Every Woman Every Newborn- Measurement Improvement for Newborn, Stillbirth & Maternal Indicators EWEN-MINSMI-PRISM Tools For Routine Health Information Systems: Tanzania Pilot Study ReportDownload Document: EWEN-MINSMI-PRISM-TZ_TL-24-117-D4I-508c_ge-da.pdf (24 MB)Abstract: The EWEN-MINSMI tools and EN-MINI tools guide priority actions to improve the availability, quality, and use of maternal, newborn and stillbirth indicators in routine health information systems. The purpose of the Every Woman Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement Newborn, Stillbirth and Maternal Indicators Tools (EWEN-MINSMI Tools) for Routine Health Information Systems (RHIS) is to enable countries to have the right data at the right time and at the right level of the healthcare system. The EWEN-MINSMI Tools are free and have ready-to-use digital data collection platforms and generate automated reports. Improving maternal and newborn data is a priority of the Every Woman Every Newborn Everywhere (EWENE) to accelerate progress and ensure every woman and newborn survives and thrives. The tools are organized in three categories: (1) MAP maternal, newborn, stillbirth data availability; (2) assess USE maternal, newborn, stillbirth DATA FOR DECISIONS; and (3) identify how to IMPROVE maternal, newborn stillbirth data QUALITY. The USE and IMPROVE tools are adapted from the Performance of Routine Information System Management (PRISM) series. This report summarizes findings for the 2024 pilot of EWEN-MINSMI-PRISM Tools 1–6 in the Tanga Region of the United Republic of Tanzania. An accompanying Map Maternal Newborn Stillbirth Data EWEN-MINSMI Tool 0 report will detail data elements for maternal, newborn and stillbirth indicators.Shortname: SR-24-117Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2025Language: EnglishRegion(s): TANZANIAFiled under: EWEN-MINSMI, Guidance and Tools, Maternal Health, Newborn health, RHIS, Routine Health Information Systems, Stillbirths, Tanzania