Impact of vacancies at the community level: Insights from digital toolsDownload Document: Impacts-of-vacancies-at-the-community-level_508.pdf (346 KB)Abstract: The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare operates through two large organizations to provide primary healthcare to the citizens of Bangladesh. One of those is the Directorate General of Family Planning (DGFP). DGFP employs a large pool of community level health and family planning workers predominantly in rural areas who provide services through home visits and at health facilities. However, many positions remain vacant. Digital tools such as those used by the electronic management information system at the grassroots level provide opportunities to examine the impact of these vacancies on health service delivery in real-time. This policy brief examines vacancies of one category of community level worker, Family Welfare Assistants, and suggests recommendations for DGFP to staff the vacancies expeditiously.Shortname: fs-22-580-d4iAuthor(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2022Language: EnglishRegion(s): BANGLADESHFiled under: Bangladesh, Brief, Community, digital skills, Family Planning