MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery: Midterm Performance Evaluation

MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery: Midterm Performance Evaluation
Citation: O’Sullivan, G., Appleford, G., Idrissou, D., Issah, S. (2024). MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery Midterm Performance Evaluation. Chapel Hill, NC, USA: Data for Impact.
Abstract: The purpose of the MOMENTUM Private Healthcare Delivery (MPHD) midterm performance evaluation was to assess the project’s interventions, their implementation status, quality to date, and overall achievements and obstacles to achieving key results. The evaluation team analyzed 1) the potential for the project to reach the desired result for each global model, tool, or technical approach developed, and 2) country-level expected results. This midterm evaluation evaluated what is working well, identified areas that need rethinking, and determined any major changes required at both the global and country levels.

Recognizing the need for a comprehensive approach to improve healthcare systems, MPHD works to expand public and private partnerships in collaboration with Ministries of Health (MoH) to improve market access to lifesaving and life-enhancing health commodities and services. MPHD harnesses the potential of the private sector to expand access to and use of high-quality, evidence-based MCHN and FP/RH products and services. The project collaborates with local entities to build local capacity and generate market-based solutions that drive scale in access and use of these products and services. MPHD also works to expand public and private partnerships in collaboration with Ministries of Health (MoH) to improve market access to lifesaving and life-enhancing health commodities and services. These approaches are designed and delivered with attention to cross-cutting themes of youth, gender and the environment, and evidence-based adaptive management.
Shortname: TR-24-583
Author(s): Gael O’Sullivan, Gabrielle Appleford, Daoudou Idrissou, Shamwill Issah
Year: 2024
Language: English
Region(s): BENIN, GHANA