Nigeria HPN Multi-Activity Evaluation: Trends in Select DHIS2 and Population-Level Malaria, Antenatal Care, and Family Planning Indicators

Nigeria HPN Multi-Activity Evaluation: Trends in Select DHIS2 and Population-Level Malaria, Antenatal Care, and Family Planning Indicators
Citation: Siân Curtis, Milissa Markiewicz, Emmanuel Adegbe, Kristen Brugh, Ting Chen. Trends in DHIS2 and Population-Based Malaria, Antenatal Care, and Family Planning Indicators. 2024. Chapel Hill, NC, USA: Data for Impact.
Abstract: Data for Impact (D4I) conducted a prospective mixed-methods portfolio evaluation of four USAID/Nigeria Health, Population, and Nutrition (HPN) activities, with a focus on comparing an integrated health programming approach with a disease-focused approach (malaria). Evaluation results will inform adaptive program implementation and support USAID/Nigeria’s investment strategy prioritization to improve health outcomes.

The evaluation was implemented in three case study states. The purpose of this report is to summarize trends in health behavior and service delivery outcomes for select malaria, antenatal care (ANC), and family planning (FP) indicators using the data from the District Health Information System (DHIS2) and three population-based studies: (1) the Multi Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), (2) the Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS), and (3) the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). Results include an assessment of trends over time within each state as well as descriptive comparisons and trends across the three case study states.
Shortname: TR-24-581
Author(s): Siân Curtis, Milissa Markiewicz, Emmanuel Adegbe, Kristen Brugh, & Ting Chen
Year: 2024
Language: English
Region(s): NIGERIA
Filed under: DHIS 2, HPN, IHP, Malaria, Nigeria, Report