Examinarea și utilizarea datelor pentru luarea deciziilor în beneficiul copilului Author(s): Viorica Toartă, Camelia GheorgheYear: 2022Filed under: Child health, Children, Data use, Moldova, Romanian
Evaluation of the FUTURES Project: Baseline Report Author(s): Mitiku, F., Barden-O’Fallon, J., Hiruy, H., Millar, E., & Gerbaba, M.Year: 2022Filed under: Environment, Ethiopia, Evaluation, food security, Report
Using Routine Data in Combination with Population Surveys to Understand Patterns of Contraceptive Use: A Case Study of Malawi Author(s): Mai Do, MD, DrPH; Bhavita Kumari, MD, MPH; Janine Barden-O’Fallon, PhD; Amani Selim, MA; Wezi Munthali, MPH; Bertha Migodi, MScCHNYear: 2022Filed under: Contraception, Family Planning, Malawi, Routine data, Survey
Assessment of Journalist Training in Family Planning and Reproductive Health Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2022Filed under: assessment, Family Planning, Reproductive Health, Training
Qualitative Methods in Evaluation of Public Health Programs, a Curriculum on Intermediate Concepts and Practices Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2020Filed under: Curriculum, Evaluation
EN-MINI-PRISM Analysis Tool Author(s): The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine UK, Ifakara Health Institute Tanzania, icddr,b Bangladesh, and D4IYear: 2022Filed under: EN-MINI, Newborn health, PRISM, RHIS, Stillbirths, Tools
EN-MINI Tool 0 Year: 2022Filed under: EN-BIRTH, EN-MINI, Indicators, Newborn health, PRISM, RHIS, Stillbirths
Our Work: Year 3 Highlights Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2022Filed under: annual report, Data Quality, Data use, evidence, Gender
Use of Routine Health Information System Data to Monitor and Improve Quality of Care Author(s): D4IYear: 2022Filed under: Bangladesh
Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators EN-MINI-PRISM Tools for Routine Health Information Systems Author(s): The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine UK, Ifakara Health Institute Tanzania, icddr,b Bangladesh, and D4IYear: 2022Filed under: EN-BIRTH, EN-MINI, Indicators, Newborn health, PRISM, RHIS, Stillbirths, Tools