Implementation of the Electronic Management Information System in Bangladesh: Experience and Lessons Learned Year: 2019Filed under: Bangladesh, electronic management information system, EMIS, Family Planning
Validating the Effectiveness of a Rapid Assessment Tool for Routine Health Information Systems Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2018Filed under: Bangladesh, Data use, Health Information Systems, HIS, madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, RHIS, Routine Health Information Systems
Bangladesh Maternal Mortality and Health Care Survey (BMMS) 2016: Final Report Year: 2019Filed under: Bangladesh, Family Planning, Maternal and child health, Maternal Health, Maternal Mortality
Data Demand and Information Use in the Health Sector: Case Study Series Author(s): MEASURE EvaluationYear: 2008Filed under: Bangladesh, case study, Data use
Every Newborn-BIRTH protocol: observational study validating indicators for coverage and quality of maternal and newborn health care in Bangladesh, Nepal and Tanzania Author(s): Louise T Day, Harriet Ruysen, et al.Year: 2019Filed under: Bangladesh, Data, DHIS 2, EN-BIRTH, health care, Maternal and child health, Maternal Health, MCH, Nepal, Newborn health, Tanzania
Maternal postnatal care in Bangladesh: a closer look at specific content and coverage by different types of providers Author(s): Eunsoo Timothy Kim, Kavita Singh, and William WeissYear: 2019Filed under: Bangladesh, Maternal Health, postnatal care, postpartum
Postnatal care for newborns in Bangladesh: The importance of health-related factors and location Author(s): Kavita Singh, Paul Brodish, Mahbub Elahi Chowdhury, Taposh Kumar Biswas, Eunsoo Timothy Kim, Christine Godwin, and Allisyn MoranYear: 2017Filed under: Bangladesh, neonatal health, Newborn health, postnatal care, postpartum
The importance of skin-to-skin contact for early initiation of breastfeeding in Nigeria and Bangladesh Author(s): Kavita Singh, Shane M Khan, Liliana Carvajal-Aguirre, Paul Brodish, Agbessi Amouzou, and Allisyn MoranYear: 2017Filed under: Bangladesh, Breastfeeding, Newborn health, Nigeria
Effects of individual, household and community characteristics on child nutritional status in the slums of urban Bangladesh Author(s): Ahsan KZ, El Arifeen S, Al-Mamun A, Khan SH, Chakraborty NYear: 2017Filed under: Bangladesh, Child health, Nutrition
Developing Core Competencies for Monitoring and Evaluation Tracks in South Asian MPH Programs Author(s): Negandhi H, Negandhi P, Tiwari R, Sharma A, Zodpey S, Kulatilaka H, Tikyani SYear: 2015Filed under: Bangladesh, Evaluation, Monitoring