Quality of Life Survey: Republic of Moldova

Quality of Life Survey: Republic of Moldova
Abstract: The Quality of Life Survey in the Republic of Moldova (QLS-Moldova), inspired by the European Quality of Life Surveys (EQLS), was conducted by Data for Impact (D4I) in partnership with IMAS – Cercetare si Strategii SRL ([imas]), a Moldovan research institute, with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This survey aims to assess the well-being and quality of life of Moldovan residents, providing valuable insights into various socioeconomic and political factors affecting their lives. The dimensions of quality of life included in this report, like the EQLS-2016, promote well-being as a public policy issue. The QLS-Moldova results are intended to assist policy makers in making decisions that consider the multi-faceted nature of quality of life.

This report starts by explaining respondents’ perceptions of their subjective well-being, income, and material deprivation. The second chapter focuses on work, care responsibilities, and personal development. The third chapter looks at the quality of public services. The fourth chapter addresses indicators of the quality of society, including satisfaction with democracy, the economy, confidence in institutions, involvement in the community, and relationships and tensions among people and groups. The final chapter provides a summary of those respondents and groups experiencing multiple personal and social insecurities.
Shortname: SR-24-213
Author(s): Data for Impact
Year: 2024
Language: English
Filed under: Data, Moldova, Report, Survey