Rwanda Gikuriro Kuri Bose (GKB) – Inclusive Nutrition and Early Childhood Development (INECD) Mid-Project Qualitative Process EvaluationDownload Document: GKB_Brief_FS-24-718_508c-updated.pdf (358 KB)Abstract: The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded GKB activity is a five-year (October 1, 2021–September 30, 2026) activity implemented by Catholic Relief Services in consortium with Humanity & Inclusion, Umuhuza, Three Stones International, and University of Global Health Equity, with subpartners CARITAS, Africa Evangelical Enterprise, Young Women’s Christian Association, and Duharanira Amajyambere y’Icyaro. GKB promotes nurturing and responsive care practices, especially in the areas of health, functioning, nutrition, and early childhood development (ECD) for parents/family caregivers and children in Rwanda. GKB aims to improve health and nutrition outcomes among women of reproductive age and promote optimal infant and young child feeding practices. It also addresses child development gaps, improving rehabilitation services, and social inclusion needs for infants and children, in line with the priorities of the Government of Rwanda. In the 10 districts where it operates, GKB implements an integrated set of inclusive interventions that include providing support to families through (1) nurturing care hubs (NCHs), which provide ECD services and serve as safe places for children to learn, play, and socialize; (2) promotion of kitchen gardening to increase access to nutritious foods; (3) village nutrition schools (VNS) that provide participatory cooking demonstrations; and (4) savings and internal lending communities (SILCs) for household economic strengthening and food security. GKB engages and supports several types of community-based volunteers that collaborate with facility-based providers and local government officials to provide inclusive nutrition and ECD (INECD) services. These groups identify, refer, provide inclusive services to, and follow up with children with developmental delays or disabilities. They also engage in growth monitoring and nutrition screening to identify children with malnutrition. D4I, in collaboration with local partner Research Hub, Ltd., conducted a mid-project qualitative process evaluation of GKB. The goal of the evaluation was to understand the experiences of facility-level providers, community-based volunteers, and local government officials in delivering and supporting GKB services, as well as the experience of parents/family caregivers in participating in GKB activities to adapt and improve project activities.Shortname: FS-24-718Author(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2024Language: EnglishRegion(s): RWANDAFiled under: Brief, Child health, Nutrition, Rwanda